[ditty_news_ticker id="27897"] Apply Now: 2025-26 NEH Faculty and Dissertation Fellowships in Orthodox Christian Studies - Orthodox Christian Laity

Apply Now: 2025-26 NEH Faculty and Dissertation Fellowships in Orthodox Christian Studies


Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center – Fordham University

The Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University invites applications for its NEH Dissertation Completion Fellowship and its NEH Faculty Fellowship in Orthodox Christian Studies for the 2025-2026 academic year (September 1, 2025-August 31, 2026). The Center actively desires the most compelling, exciting, and rigorous academic projects to join its efforts in fostering Orthodox Christian Studies as a field of scholarly inquiry in its own right.

All applications are due by February 16, 2025. Application materials must be submitted in English (sample dissertation chapters written in another language should be translated into English).

Full requirements and procedures for applicants are available on the fellowship application page. Questions about the fellowships should be directed to Nathaniel Wood, Associate Director, at fellowships_orthodoxy@fordham.edu.

NEH Dissertation Completion Fellowship

The Orthodox Christian Studies NEH Dissertation Completion Fellowship, supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, is intended to enable an advanced PhD student to devote full-time work to the final year of dissertation research and writing. The Fellow must be prepared to complete her or his dissertation within the period of the Fellowship.

Applications are welcomed for projects in any methodological discipline of the humanities (e.g., art history, history, philosophy, or theology), or for projects emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach including but not limited to those of gender studies, postcolonial studies, or postmodern studies as well as other contemporary theoretical methods of inquiry. Proposals are encouraged for projects of any chronological period or geographical region so long as the primary subject of investigation relates to a critical examination of some aspect of the history, thought, or culture of Orthodox Christianity.

The recipient of the Fellowship will receive a stipend of $33,000 (which includes the costs incurred for the residency requirement) and will be expected to be absolved of any service or teaching responsibilities at his or her home institution.

During the Fellowship year, the Fellow will have access to all of the resources of Fordham University. Through existing relationships with other New York City institutions, the Fellow will be able to take advantage of neighboring universities (Columbia University, New York University, and others), seminaries (St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Union Theological Seminary, and General Theological Seminary), and the many cultural institutions that New York City offers.

NEH Faculty Fellowship

The Orthodox Christian Studies NEH Faculty Fellowship, supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, is intended to support a current full-time college or university faculty member to pursue research and writing on some aspect of Orthodox Christian Studies broadly conceived. The Fellowship is open to faculty of all academic ranks.

Applications are welcomed for projects in any methodological discipline of the humanities (e.g., art history, history, philosophy, or theology) or for projects emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach, including but not limited to those of gender studies, postcolonial studies, or postmodern studies as well as other contemporary theoretical methods of inquiry. Proposals are encouraged for projects of any chronological period or geographical region so long as the primary subject of investigation relates to a critical examination of some aspect of the history, thought, or culture of Orthodox Christianity.

The recipient of the Fellowship will receive a stipend equivalent to one-half of his or her current salary, up to $55,000, which will be paid directly to his or her home institution. The Fellowship can be awarded for either one semester or one year of full-time research and writing. In either case, the Fellow is expected to be released from all teaching and administrative responsibilities for the duration of the Fellowship. Priority will be given to those projects expected to be completed during the Fellowship period. There is no residence requirement, but the Fellow will be invited to deliver a public lecture at Fordham University on his or her research project. During the Fellowship period, the Fellow will have access to the resources of Fordham University and will be welcome to participate in Center activities.


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