Source: FOCUS North America
Mission Vision and Values
Who We Are
FOCUS North America is a national movement of Orthodox Christians, united in faith and joined by a desire to provide action-oriented and sustainable solutions to poverty in communities across America. FOCUS has operations and youth volunteer experiences in more than 20 cities in the United States.
Mission Statement
As an expression of Christ’s love FOCUS North America serves the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick and imprisoned by providing Food, Occupation, Clothing, Understanding, and Shelter.
Why We’re Here
Through the provision of social and human development services, FOCUS North America helps the poor and needy in North America. We bring communities, parishes, and partners together in hands-on activities – uniting giver and the underserved — to help transform all of our lives and break the cycle of poverty that afflicts so many in our society.
We Do Not Discriminate
All of FOCUS North America’s services are provided without discrimination of any kind. We do not require any faith commitment from anyone we help. We exist solely to transform the lives of the homeless and poor in America, moving them from dependency to self-sufficiency, by providing food, occupation, clothing, understanding and shelter.
CLICK HERE to visit the FOCUS website.