Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
NEW YORK – The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has released the results of a National Survey that was commissioned by the Archdiocese in order to assist in the evaluation of the programs of the National Ministries. The results of the survey will help determine the Archdiocese’s current National Ministry priorities and where the Archdiocese’s financial and personnel resources should be targeted.
Underwritten by the Leadership 100 Endowment Fund, the Survey was conducted by the Barna Group, a nationally recognized research group that works with faith-based organizations. More than 560 anonymous participants responded to the on–line survey, including clergy, parish council presidents and lay leaders from the Direct Archdiocesan District and all Metropolises across the country. The research evaluated the Ministries and resources by priority of the Ministry, how favorably the Ministry resources were rated and the desire for further investment or reduced investment in a Ministry. To view an Executive Summary and the full the Survey Results and Program Evaluation results, please visit
This Survey initiative is part of an ongoing effort to better serve our parishes and faithful by conducting independent research on the perceptions and value of the various Ministries of the Archdiocese and thus determine where investments should be made to optimize the use of resources.
In a presentation to the Archdiocesan Council last May, Barna Group representative Brooke Hempell noted that the Survey found that respondents placed the highest priorities on next generation development in church engagement and stewardship. She also indicated that National Ministries receiving the highest favorability ratings included the Archdiocese’s youth programs, religious education and stewardship ministries. The Survey lays the groundwork for continued discussion on the role of National Ministries in supporting the growth of our church in America.
The survey clearly shows the GOA is in need of spiritual renewal. The stated goals of Elpi, the shrine, clergy pension program, the seminary, bringing together of the homogenia and fidelity to the patriarch are not what the GOA needs. Ultimately, what is needed is a return to Christ which can only be experienced through repentance. We need individual and corporate repentance. If I were an advisor to Elpi, I would suggest the declaration of a year of Repentance. Through repentance, God would be involved in the healing of the GOA. Without repentance, things will not change.
Furthermore, the stated goals of Elpi are not part of God’s vision for the Church. Rather, his goals are secular goals reflective of a secular institution rather than a Church. No mention is made of the great commandment or social outreach. All he quotes is canons rather than scripture or the fathers.