Source: Department of Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Stewardship, Outreach, and Evangelism
Our mission is to provide parish leadership with practical tools and training to engage active and inactive members, inquirers and those unaware of Orthodox Christianity personally in order that they learn more about the faith and ministries of the Greek Orthodox Church, leading them to become fully committed members of the Body of Christ, actively participating in and supporting the ministries of the local parish, the Metropolis and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Efforts are made to coordinate programs and initiatives with other departments and organizations of the Archdiocese.
Department Strategy
- Focus on the Local Parish
- Provide Practical Training and Resources to Parish Leaders
- Connect Parish Leadership for the sharing of Best Practices
- Document Best Practices for Implementation in Other Parishes
- Distribute Print Resources for the parishes through
- Distribute Digital Resources for the parishes through email, website, Orthodox Observer and social media.
- Monthly Ministry Metropolis Videoconferences
- Webinars (Metropolis and Archdiocese-wide) Featuring Practical Parish Ministry Ideas
- Outreach & Leadership Conferences
- Home Mission Parish Program (L100) assisting new and turnaround parishes in need of a full-time priest
- Parish Leadership Video Series at HCHC (L100)
- Small Parish Stewardship Survival Program (L100)
- Workshops & Seminars based on new publication, Go and Do Likewise: 101 Tried and Tested Orthodox Church Outreach Practices You Can Implement in Your Parish (book preparing for print) (L100)
- Parish Plan for Excellence (L100)
Key Resources for Parishes
- Digital resources for parish ministry & communications
- Annual Parish Stewardship Resources
- Planned Giving/End of Life Resources
- Go and Do Likewise: 101 Tried and Tested Orthodox Church Outreach Practices You Can Implement in Your Parish
- Print resources distributed through Orthodox Marketplace