Source: Orthodox Christian Laity
Due to the pandemic restrictions, Orthodox Christian Laity’s 33rd Annual Meeting and Program took place online on November 13, 2020. We looked forward to the opportunity to be on the campus of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary as originally planned; however, the online events did allow wider participation by board members, supporters, and other interested individuals from any geographic location.
The annual business meeting held on the morning of November 13, opened with a memorable prayer by His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel (see below) who is celebrating his 40th Anniversary of ordination into the Episcopacy.
His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros offered a video greeting and blessing (see below) following the beautiful prayer of Archbishop Nathaniel.
The preliminary minutes of the Annual Meeting describe in more detail the reports, discussion, and decisions taken. A summary of Board actions follows:
- Commemorated Archbishop Nathaniel’s 40th Anniversary of Episcopacy and his dedicated service as an Advisory Board Member for decades.
- Expressed its appreciation to Archbishop Elpidophoros for preparing the video greeting and blessing.
- Expressed appreciation to George Matsoukas for his 20 years of exemplary, dedicated, and indefatigable service as Executive Director, as well as his continued passionate service on the board.
- Discussed engaging GiveBackNation, a company that assists numerous nonprofit organizations with all aspects of fundraising.
- Reviewed the plans for the upcoming online interview with Professor Alexander Kitroeff to discuss his book, The Greek Orthodox Church in America – A Modern History, which emphasizes OCL’s significant contribution to Orthodoxy in America.
- Discussed ways that OCL can reach out to clergy and laity to strengthen lay participation in governance and other areas of church life via local chapters; monthly Mastermind meetings; co-hosting a conference and creating a network of Orthodox lay organizations.
- Elected Board members for 2021.
- Decided to use the original logo designed for OCL in 1988 which features an arch over the OCL initials.
At 1 pm, Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield presented an extremely interesting program on American Orthodox Saints from historical sources as well as his own personal experience after having lived in Alaska and served as Dean of St. Herman’s Seminary for many years. The video of this presentation will be posted soon after editing is complete; however, an abbreviated version that appeared via Facebook Live is available here:
We thank His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros and Very Reverend Dr. Chad Hatfield for the generous offering of their time to enrich this year’s program by their participation and blessings. Thanks also to the officers, board members, and advisory board of Orthodox Christian Laity for their selfless and dedicated sacrifice of time, talent, and treasures throughout the year, given out of love for Christ and his Church which they so fervently desire to see administratively united as in other parts of the world. May God receive our prayers and efforts made in his name for the life and salvation of his creation.
If your budget permits, please consider supporting Orthodox Christian Laity’s educational ministry by making a donation on Giving Tuesday (December 1) or during this holiday/giving season. Any donation of at least $100 will receive a copy of Under One Roof: Uniting the Orthodox Church of America, a collection of opinion essays by George Matsoukas that, as Fr. Frank Marangos has stated, promotes “the urgent restoration of jurisdictional unity and the strengthening of the historic role of the laity in the conciliar governance of the Orthodox Church in the United States.” CLICK HERE TO GIVE TODAY!