Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
They knew they should do it, but like so many other tasks completing their estate plan kept getting overlooked. Until they gathered with fellow parishioners to learn how their plan could impact their parish for generations to come. The parish had an established endowment, but few were aware of the potential.
Moments like these have been taking place across our Archdiocese as the Parish Planned Giving team has taken the tools and resources on the road. As the faithful gather, young and older alike seek to learn more, intrigued by the idea of stewarding not only their income but their wealth as an offering of thanksgiving. Understanding the vision, how this ministry helps us all fulfill our call as Orthodox Christian Stewards, makes conversations about the ways to give much easier.
For many parishes, the ideas are new, and the opportunities abundant. From fulfilling strategic vision planning to celebrating milestone anniversaries, parishes from coast to coast are establishing endowments as an ideal way to celebrate their history and plan for a vibrant future.
“Our first in-person meeting was the most valuable step toward forming a Planned Giving program. You sat with us for hours and gave us vital insight regarding Planned Giving and also stewardship generally.”
Parish Lay Leader, Metropolis of New Jersey
For other parishes, visionary donors have established endowments that were ready to be promoted to invite new parishioners to offer their first fruits through a planned gift. These parishes have a track record, original gifts that have grown under faithful management to provide revenue supporting extraordinary ministries and philanthropy for their communities. From scholarships and new ministries to community partnerships and emergency support, these parishes can share how many gifts offered in faith to their endowment now provide not only security for the parish but make a real impact every year.
“Your visit was dynamite and got people thinking in new ways about the endowment fund, its mission and its goals.”
Fr. Steven Tsichlis, Saint Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine, CA
Since launching the Parish Planned Giving initiative at the Clergy-Laity Congress (CLC) in San Diego, California in July, over 75 parishes have tapped into materials, resources, and coaching provided by the Archdiocese. From a comprehensive guidebook designed to help parishes establish planned giving programs through dedicated endowments to a quick start guide, templates, and videos, GOA resources have helped parishes start from scratch, strengthen existing programs, and reinvigorate their efforts.
For 2025, the Parish Planned Giving initiative will expand its reach through Clergy-Laity Assemblies, additional educational offerings, more parishes visits, and coaching.
A series of quick videos will be launched in February to help more parishes get started.
• WHY parishes are choosing planned giving
• HOW planned giving aligns with stewardship and capital giving
• WHO will lead the effort in your parish
• WHAT first steps can get you started
Sign-up for access and connect with staff at to get your parish ready.