Source: Public Orthodoxy Varvara Gulina Doctoral Student at San Diego State University Imagine a young woman who has just been sexually assaulted by a priest during confession. Leaving what was meant to be a sacred experience, she feels lost and unsure of whom to turn to in her parish, wondering if anyone would truly understand or believe her. Now picture another woman enduring domestic violence at home; after mustering the courage to confide in a bishop, she is met with the suggestion that she simply needs a change of scenery, leaving her feeling invalidated and dismissed. Envision a young woman…
Browsing: Women
Source: Orthodox Studies Institute Originally published March 2024 by Dr. Mary Ford in collaboration with Dr. David C. Ford “While we recognize that some Orthodox Christians believe that a female diaconate with a liturgical role similar to a male deacon’s is needed in our Church today, we strongly disagree that there is such a need, or that it would be advisable, for the reasons outlined below. There are already a multitude of opportunities for lay ministry, and sometimes Orthodox laity, both women and men, need to hear the message: ‘You don’t need to be ordained to serve Christ and His…
Source: Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis, National Commander of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, has established a new Archon Engagement Committee: Women In Orthodoxy. This much-needed new committee is designed to foster the full inclusion of women in the life of the Church. Dr. Limberakis explained: “At this point in the life of our Church and Omogeneia, it is imperative that we support the greater participation of women in the life of the Church. The WORD was established by our Lord and Savior and evangelized by the Four Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but the…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Originally published in OCL’s “THE FORUM,” Summer-Autumn 1993. WOMEN’S ROLE IN THE CHURCH – THE RESTORATION OF THE DIACONATE Women in the church is not one issue but is a topic comprised of many facets. Let us begin with women in the New Testament and Early Church and proceed to their role as saints and their service in the women’s diaconate. Women were the first to hear of Christ’s Resurrection, and these women disciples were told to “go and proclaim” the Resurrection. Christ first identified Himself to the Woman of Samaria. She is known as Photine, the…
Source: Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative Listen Now Although women are not ordained in the Orthodox Church, many of them are hearkening God’s call to serve – as chaplains, scholars, diplomats, mothers, teachers, leaders of parish boards and ministries, and in many other roles. Dr. Patricia Fann Bouteneff, founder of Axia Women, shares in this episode what they are learning about parish support of women across the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions. Recalling the Myrrh Bearing Women, they strive to care for the body of Christ and receive and proclaim the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection. Learn more about Axia Women at…
Source: The Wall Street Journal Disagreements over same-sex relationships and the role of women are heightening tensions among Catholics worldwide. By Francis X. Rocca German Catholics have been meeting since last year to consider major changes to church life, including the blessing of same-sex relationships and the ordination of women—moves that many see as essential reforms after the clerical sex-abuse crisis. But the effort has drawn fierce criticism. Cardinal Rainer Woelki of Cologne, leader of the conservative minority of German bishops, has warned that the process could lead to a schism and even “a German national church.” His warnings have been…
Source: Centre for Applied Theology A Discussion on Women in the Church with Dr. Elena Narinskaya, Dr. Mary Cunningham, Rev. Dr. Gabrielle Thomas, and Dr. Carrie Frederick Frost at the Centre for Applied Theology, April 19, 2021 at 2:00 pm EDT (19:00 London Time). Below is the zoom link for those who can join in on this very interesting & stimulating topic at a deeper level! Those of us who have been studying and discussing this book, this should be indeed a great opportunity to hear a discussion from 4 article authors themselves. For those who have not yet participated…
Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center – Fordham University Wednesday, August 5, 2020 – 4 p.m. Online Webinar via Zoom (Link to be sent 1-2 days prior) The Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University is delighted to present the sixth episode of its webinar series highlighting the scholarly insights and academic careers of female scholars whose research and writing explore some facet of the history, thought, or culture of Orthodox Christianity. The broadcast will be live-streamed and open to all who have pre-registered. The event will include some time for live audience questions. For those who miss the live event, the Center…
Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center – Fordham University Wednesday, August 5, 2020 – 4 p.m. Online Webinar via Zoom (Link to be sent 1-2 days prior) The Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University is delighted to present the sixth episode of its webinar series highlighting the scholarly insights and academic careers of female scholars whose research and writing explore some facet of the history, thought, or culture of Orthodox Christianity. The broadcast will be live-streamed and open to all who have pre-registered. The event will include some time for live audience questions. For those who miss the live event,…
Source: The National Herald Our Greek Orthodox bishops who stumbled through incident after incident in their handling of sex abuse occurrences should come together, and along with the newly installed AB Elpidophoros, strengthen the sex protocol already previously established. Would they dare not to invite strong-voiced faithful, women and men, to such a meeting? Would not the meeting and the resulting document be immeasurably improved? This thought is highly unlikely to be considered, as it would be affront to the “God”-given power of the Bishops. Orthodox Christian women are orphans. They have no allies. Oh sure, there is the successful…
Source: OCP Media Network For summertime reflection, we are pleased to offer three Orthodox resources engaging a wide range of topics related to the contributions of women in the life of the Church. First of all, we are delighted to launch our third volume in our Encountering Women of Faith, book series! With much information publicly appearing in English for the first time, this book is written with spiritual seekers and scholars in mind. Volume III offers much for those desiring to learn more about our mothers and sisters in Christ. Attached is our Volume III public announcement flyer. Please, help us by downloading it…
Source: Public Orthodoxy by Nadieszda Kizenko Dr. Katherine Kelaidis recently published a piece in this forum on ‘Headscarves, Modesty, and Modern Orthodoxy.’ The article, a loving homage to Kelaidis’s grandmother, aunts, and mother, describes the pressures faced by Greek immigrant women of the American Mountain West two generations ago, by contemporary Muslim women, and by Orthodox women under Ottoman rule. Acknowledging head covering as a historical code for women’s modesty and chastity—shared, one might point out, by Orthodox Jews, African American ‘church ladies,’ Roman Catholics before Vatican II, and Episcopalians before the social changes of the 1960s—the author then makes two unexpected turns.…