Source: The National Herald
Τo the Editor:
We appreciate the attention Theodore Kalmoukos gives to the affairs of our Archdiocese, including Hellenic College-Holy Cross (HCHC) Seminary and other entities, apparently the only person who keeps abreast of the failings thereof.
In response to “Hellenic College-Holy Cross at the Edge of the Cliff” (Jun. 7, online), this is disgraceful, just as the condition of our Archdiocese is disgraceful. What is the matter with our “leadership”? Is there no one who will take on the business of our institutions with honesty, humility, dedication, and positive creativity?
I blame us, the laity, in large part, as we do not demand accountability, which should be done in an orderly, transparent, timely manner. This isn’t the corner grocery store or family restaurant. It is our church. Our Archdiocese. Our educational institutions.
It equates to big business that requires schedules, accounting spreadsheets, time management, fundraising, every detail of every negotiation accounted for and for public surveillance on demand at any time. We, the laity, should be concerned that our entities are operating smoothly; that we can depend on our leadership doing the right thing, but we need to pay attention and be informed.
What more can I say? This is disastrous! Mr. Kalmoukos has written about these issues repeatedly, but we haven’t moved toward the transparency to which we are entitled, and here we are! Shame on us!
Jeanette Rigopoulos
La Mesa, CA