Source: Orthodox Theological Society in America
The full video of the recent (August 22, 2020) webinar “The Coronavirus and Communion Practice in the Orthodox Church” is now available at:
Organized by the Orthodox Theological Society in America, the webinar addressed the crucial question: “What has been the impact of the pandemic on our Communion practice?” The webinar reviewed the results of the recent survey of Orthodox clergy in the USA on Communion practice at this time and brought together a panel of scientists and theologians to ground the discussion. Program included:
1. Introduction into study report “Holy Communion during the Pandemic in American Orthodox Christian Parishes” by Alexei Krindatch, National Coordinator, Second Census of US Orthodox Parishes. The full report or executive summary can be downloaded here:
2. Scientific Panel: Gayle Woloschak, PhD, Moderator
• Catherine Creticos, MD, Chief of Infectious Diseases at Illinois Masonic Medical Center and Clinical
Assistant Professor of Medicine, U. of Illinois at Chicago
• W. Christopher Mathews, MD, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Medicine, UCSD
• Hermina Nedelescu, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Scripps Research Institute, San Diego
3. Theological Panel: Fr. John Jillions, PhD, Moderator
• Deacon Nicholas Denysenko, PhD, Emil and Elfried Jochum Professor and Chair, Valparaiso University
• Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin, nun of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and host of “Coffee with Sister Vassa”
• Fr. Anthony Roeber, PhD, Professor of Church History, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
4. Concluding Remarks by Bishop Alexis (Trader) of Bethesda (OCA)
The webinar also included numerous questions and comments from those who attended this event online.
If you would like to share any thoughts on webinar’s subject, please click the button at the end of this message and offer your thoughts. And here again is the link to the video of webinar:
Alexei Krindatch, National Coordinator, Second Census of Orthodox Christian Churches and
2020 US Religion Census (
Office: 510-647-9427 Cell: 773-551-7226