Source: Orthodox Evangelist Newsletter
Great is the mystery of holiness!
In 1976, I was impressed hearing Fr. Eusebius (Stephanou) preach for the first time in Winnipeg, Canada. When I returned to Greece in 1982, he was speaking in Athens and I attended the meeting. Thirty years later, while I had forgotten all about the man, I had come across one of his books. And after fourteen months we have translated almost all of his books and many of his articles into the Greek language. We have already translated and printed two books and are in the process of publishing two more, plus a small booklet “Warn the Orthodox.” In February I flew to Florida where I spent two days with him, Symeon and Joseph. The purpose of my visit was specific. I needed to see what the Lord has been conveying to me and to sense whether the same feeling existed at the office of the ministry. I saw the spirit of a prophet, who is ready to climb up the step of the tenth decade of his life, with the power of the Spirit still burning in his heart. I witnessed the total indifference of the American Orthodox Christians where he ministered among them for the last forty years. I saw the concern he has for the future of the precious message the Lord had entrusted to him. And I saw the spark in his eyes when we talked about the acceptance of his prophetic message here in Greece, though the newly born ministry of St. Symeon the New Theologian, located in the Apostolic city of Ancient Corinth and reaching through the land of Greece and eventually around the world. The two of his books we’ve published in Greek are already in five bookstores of the largest bookstore chain in Greece and even at the airport of Athens. Lord willing, we are in the process of doing the same in the Apostolic city of Thessaloniki.
Although the Ministry of St. Symeon the New Theologian in Greece is just beginning, many people have already expressed their interest for the “message” the Lord has entrusted to Fr. Eusebius. Two of the members of the Board of Directors are born again Greek Orthodox priests; the other is a monk who spent nearly thirty years in Mount Athos, but the Lord commanded him to leave there and minister in the mainland, and myself, doing the translation, publication, distribution of the book and all the rest of the demands of the ministry. We ask and thank you for your prayers!
While departing from America, the word of the Lord strongly spoke to me about the U.S. “Woe to you…for the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented” (Matt. 11:20). Our responsibility becomes even greater under the light of the Lord’s words in the scripture mentioned above. Our mandate is to make available to the people the prophetic message the Lord has entrusted to Fr. Eusebius.
Your prayerful consideration is appreciated. I am sure the results will count for eternity! Blessed be the Mighty Name of our Lord and Master.
Andreas Papadopoulos, Corinth, Greece
Fr. Eusebius – 60th Anniversary of Priesthood
By Joseph Abbate
….In closing, I cannot forget to mention that a memorable event has taken place. February marked the month in which Fr. Eusebius had been ordained into the priesthood. As we reflect back at the years during his priesthood, we can see God’s calling on his life, and the journey in which He has taken him. It has not been an easy road for him in the least. Years of indifference by other clergy and ostracism has taken a toll on his health and often saddened his heart. Keep him in your prayers that his road to recovery be complete and that the Lord will continue to give him strength.
Note: Rev. Archimandrite Fr. Eusebius Stephanou, Th.D served on the OCL Advisory Board from 1988-2002. Originally published Spring 2013, Vol. 46, No. 1.
1 Comment
I quoted Fr. Eusebius in a sermon today, also mentioning how he was responsible in many ways for my vocation to the holy diaconate (Roman Catholic). I would often visit the Renewal Center when I lived in the Destin area. I’ve since moved to Gainesville and think of him often. I miss him so much! I miss Joseph Abbate and Symeon McKnight as well! During a recent trip to Destin I was saddened to see that the renewal center is no longer where it once was. Has is moved? I noticed Joseph’s comment asking for prayers for his recovery. What happened? Is there a way to reach all these wonderful people who were so important in my journey?
You are all in my prayers!
Deacon Henry