
Support Orthodox Christian Laity

When you donate to Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL), you help provide vital resources for creating publications, interviews, educational conferences and forums that seek to strengthen the Orthodox Church of America. When you give today, your support will go directly to ensuring that the laity play their proper role in church governance and that an administratively united Orthodox Church in North and South America is the overarching focus for the overall consolidation, stability, and growth of the Church.


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Orthodox Christian Laity
PO Box 6954
West Palm Beach  FL  33405-6954

Make checks payable to Orthodox Christian Laity.

Impact and help advance
the administrative unity of the Orthodox Church of America


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Contact Orthodox Christian Laity at 561-585-2045,  [email protected],
or write to OCL, PO Box 6954, West Palm Beach, FL 33405
to receive information about including OCL in your will or estate plans.

Your donation is tax-deductible.  Orthodox Christian Laity is an independent, national, Pan-Orthodox, 501 (c) 3 non-profit educational association incorporated in the State of Illinois on March 17, 1988. Click here for more information.