“I saw the largest and best of the Orthodox Church in the diaspora (that is, in regions where Orthodox Christians live dispersed from their native lands), and I understood how exalted the name of Orthodoxy could be, especially in the great country of the United States of America, if more than two million Orthodox people there were united into one church organization, an American Orthodox Church.”
Ecumenical Patriarch Meletios IV (Enthronement Speech, February 1922)
Introducing the Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL): A 25th Anniversary video produced in 2012

Our Mission
Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) is an independent, national, Pan-Orthodox, 501(c)3 non-profit, educational association, incorporated in the State of Illinois on March 17, 1988, for the purpose of advancing the renewal of the Orthodox Christian Church in the United States by: advocating that the laity remain part of the conciliar governance process which provides balance to the hierarchy and clergy, all working together in governance, spiritual and other matters to ensure accountability and transparency in the affairs of the Church. OCL is committed to the establishment of an administratively and canonically unified, self-governing Orthodox Church in the United States.
Objective 1: Unity
Create a consensus among Orthodox Christians in North America (hierarchs, clergy and laity) that it is urgent to establish an administratively united Orthodox Church in North America that is autocephalous, i.e., an independent, self-governing Church whose Primate is locally selected by the hierarchy, clergy and laity of North America.
Objective 2: Orthodox Church Accountability
Continue to advocate the restoration of proper order in the Church, by establishing an Accountability Task Force to address abuses, improprieties, and irregularities that are harmful to the spirituality and mission of Orthodoxy.
Objective 3: Conciliar Governance
Continue to advocate conciliarity in Church governance that enhances Unity and the spirituality and mission of Orthodoxy.
Objective 4: Orthodox Education and Spiritual Renewal
Continue to encourage Orthodox Education and Spiritual Renewal through Christ-centered publications, educational programs, information services, and advocacy efforts.