Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA has launched a study on Orthodox Parish Life in America. All Orthodox parishes in the US are invited to take part in this study. When completed and published, it will provide a comprehensive picture of Orthodox parishes in 21st century America. The study explores various questions, including engagement of youth and young adults in Church life, usage of social media, and programs run by parishes.
The study is conducted as an online survey, which is to be completed by parish clergy. The survey can be accessed here:
If you are a parish priest and have a few minutes to share your thoughts, suggestions and concerns, please click on the link above and complete the questionnaire. The study is anonymous. The survey does not ask for names of parishes and individual responses will not be shared with anyone. We ask you to share this invitation and the link to the study with your fellow clergy.
We are grateful for your input on this unique study project. If you have questions or comments, contact the Assembly’s Research Coordinator, Alexei D. Krindatch at