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Source: The New Yorker By Paul Elie In the time of the coronavirus, the symbolic motifs of religion have turned literal. Lent, the forty-day season of preparation for Easter, is usually a time of symbolic deprivation: giving up meat on Fridays, giving up chocolate, giving up unkindness, giving up carbon. This year—Lent began on February 26th—the coronavirus has demanded quite literal deprivation: no going out, no eating out, no shopping, no seeing friends. For too many people, it has brought the pain of job loss, illness, and death. Ambulance sirens ring out constantly in the otherwise empty streets of New York…

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Source: Oinos Educational Consulting CORONA-QUEST: A QUESTION FOR THE 21st CENTURY CASTAWAY By Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “In the 21st century, knowing all the answers won’t distinguish someone’s intelligence, rather the ability to ask all the right questions will be the mark of true genius.” ~ John E. Kelly, IBM Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be marooned on a remote tropical island? While the image of palm trees gently swaying in a warm ocean breeze might appear romantically quixotic, the globe’s current experience of social distancing has shown that such a respite would swiftly become monotonous,…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America New York, NY – His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America announced today the postponement of the Apostolic Visit of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the United States due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. The visit will be rescheduled after consulting with the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization in order to ensure the health and safety of the Faithful who yearn to receive the blessing of His All-Holiness as he visits the Archdiocese. Commenting on this development, Archbishop Elpidophoros said: “The health of our Ecumenical Patriarch and our communities is our utmost…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy by Rev. Dr. Nicolas Kazarian In the midst of an unprecedented crisis, it is often hard or even impossible to think about what comes next, after the crisis ends. What will our life after lockdown look like? What will happen to our personal dynamics after social distancing? And what about our spiritual life after not going to Church for what feels like an eternity? All these questions, and many more, are legitimate. Every crisis gives rise to a judgment. In a way, that is the role that crises play in history, sorting out the chaff from the wheat…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Briefs Clergy on his Call with Secretary Azar New York, NY – Today, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America held a Virtual Town Hall with the Metropolitans of the Eparchial Synod, the Bishops, and over 325 members of the National Clergy, organized by the Archdiocese Presbyters Council (APC), in order to discuss the magnitude of the Pandemic crisis and took questions from the clergy. The Archbishop briefed the clergy on last night’s discussion that he had with Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, where they identified two areas in which the Church…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy A (TELEPHONE) CONVERSATION WITH METROPOLITAN OF PERGAMON JOHN ZIZIOULAS (MARCH 23, 2020) We wish to hear your views on the current situation, since your theology plays a great role in the present circumstances. Metropolitan John: My theology, unfortunately, cannot be applied. In Greece, they have already closed the churches, and the Divine Liturgy is not being served. Is it served in Serbia? Taking into consideration the decision of the government that the number of people in one place be limited, as well as the issue of getting around and social distancing, the Patriarch Irinej’s newest decision is…

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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA NEW YORK – The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA announces a resource center for clergy and faithful during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Resource Center includes updated news from the various jurisdictions as well as practical guidelines and resources for families, ministry leaders, parish leadership, and everyone. The Center can be accessed at and will be updated regularly with new materials and expanded selections.

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew appointed a special commission of theologians to prepare a document on the social teaching of the Orthodox Church, in the spirit of and reflecting upon the relevant decisions of the Holy and Great Council of Crete (June 2016). Commissioned in early 2017, the document assembled input from numerous eparchies of the Ecumenical Patriarchate throughout the world and was submitted to the Holy and Sacred Synod, which, in late 2019, congratulated the commission for its inspiring work and recommended the publication of this text. For the Life of the Word: Toward…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Mission Center by Archbishop Anastasios of Albania We are all astounded, as if a new World War has been declared by an invisible enemy, the Coronavirus. We are all standing uneasily before the unforeseen changes, brought about by this unprecedented pandemic, to the life of the rich and poor, to the educated and simple people, to health, to the economy, to transportation, to the various forms of leisure, and to celebrations. It behooves us to avoid panic, depression, and despair. Composure, sobriety, and careful concern and discipline towards the instructions and health directives of the responsible governments…

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Source: Oinos Educational Consulting By Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “People have forgotten what life is all about . . . what it is to be alive. They need to be reminded of what they have and what they can lose!”   —  Leonard Lowe Leonard Lowe is a fact-based character in the 1990 Academy Award-winning film “Awakenings,” starring Robin Williams and Robert De Niro. Based on the neurologist Oliver Sacks’ 1973 memoir of the same title, the movie focuses on a 50-year old catatonic patient who, as a young boy, contracted the “sleeping sickness,” Encephalitis Lethargica. Estimated to have infected more…

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