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Orthodox News Top Stories

Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Sunday, July 30, 2023, has been appointed by the Assembly of Bishops as Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday (PMAS) when all Orthodox churches of every jurisdiction recognize the importance of prison ministry for the life of the Church. OCPM Church Programs Manager, Mark Santana, has written a simple reflection on his most recent visit inside a prison, SCI Waymart, near St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (STOTS). OCPM recently held a staff retreat at St. Tikhon’s. We had the privilege of visiting with seminarians, along with the Dean at St. Tikhon’s Seminary and…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SPRINGFIELD, VA [OCA]   The 16-chapter “Essential Orthodox Christian Beliefs: A Manual for Adult Instruction,” is now available for free download. A cooperative effort of the Departments of the Orthodox Church in America, the groundbreaking work is an offering to the Church to assist clergy and parishes in their work of instructing inquirers and the faithful in the truths of the Orthodox Christian Faith. This work is not meant to replace time-trusted books and publications which have taught generations but to…

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Source: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Would you like to help more people know about Orthodoxy? You can when you contribute to the publication of an upcoming SVS Press book. Each year SVS Press publishes and distributes quality, spiritually enriching Orthodox Christian material for scholars, students, clergy, Orthodox seekers, and lay people. But it is because of generous donors, who give behind the scenes, that each book gets printed. SVS Press is about to print a new book, and we would like to extend to you the remarkable opportunity to be a part of it.  The upcoming book is called The…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America WILLIAMSPORT, PA [Elsie Skvir Ganister Foundation]   The Elsie Skvir Ganister Foundation Fund provides financial assistance for organizations and parishes with innovative approaches to advancing the mission of Orthodoxy in the United States. June 30 is the annual deadline for submitting grant applications, and recipients are announced in the fall of each year. Founded in 2001, the Elsie Skvir Ganister Foundation Fund is a component fund of the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania, located in Williamsport, PA. The foundation takes its name from the village of Ganister in Central Pennsylvania, where immigrants drawn there by…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Each year the United Nations brings women and girls from around the world together at an annual conference to discuss pressing issues related to gender equality worldwide called the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). During CSW, women and girls meet with leaders, Member States, and UN policymakers to talk about issues they are facing and how we can work together to tackle gender inequality and other issues women and girls face because of gender inequality. This year is the 67th session of CSW, and the priority theme is innovation and technological change, and…

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Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America There are many good things in this world, and there are also many bad things. Perhaps the media, which is so powerful and influential, contributes to shifting people’s thinking toward the negative and spreading the impression that there is more evil than good, due to its focus on conveying bad news more than good news. Believers see everything through the lens of their faith. “If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light” (Matt. 6:22). When believers see what is good, they give glory to God. However,…

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Source: The Wall Street Journal Ancient faith is drawing converts with no ties to its historic lands By Francis X. Rocca | Photographs by Alyssa Pointer for The Wall Street Journal Michelle Jimenez was captaining an oil tanker in the Gulf of Mexico in early 2020 when she heard about a Bible-study group organized by a crew member. Though she had been baptized a Catholic in infancy, she was never raised in that or any other faith. She had experimented with New Age beliefs and Zen Buddhist meditation, but hadn’t found a spiritual home. Her new encounter with Christianity eventually led her…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Part 1: Presentation by Kyra Limberakis (COO) and Michael Sider-Rose (CEO) of Orthodox Volunteer Corps (OVC). A new agency of the Assembly of Bishops, OVC is developing and equipping the next generation of Orthodox young adults through front-line service, intensive training, formation in community, and immersion in the Church. Hear stories about the first cohort, plans for expansion, and how you can get involved. Website: email: Part 2: Meet Mother Elizabeth (Klipa-Bacha) of Christmas Monastery School and New Tikhvin Skete of the Holy Mother of God and find out what’s happening in Palm…

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Source: Gospel Simplicity Fr. Seraphim Aldea of Mull Monastery in the Scottish Hebrides was kind enough to take the time to introduce me to the Orthodox Spiritual life, and we discussed prayer, fasting, and asceticism and how they help us navigate the paradox between nothingness and God-likeness. I found it to be absolutely fascinating and deeply spiritually enriching. I hope you enjoy it even half as much as I did. Support Fr. Seraphim and Mull Monastery: YouTube Channel:    / @mullmonastery   Monastery Website:

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Source: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary We are pleased to announce the creation of St Vladimir’s Online School of Theology, an accessible extension of the Seminary offering quality online Orthodox education to the general public, taught by SVOTS faculty. This new initiative is supported by a grant awarded in 2022 by Lilly Endowment Inc., propelling the Seminary’s entrance into online education. The initial offerings from St Vladimir’s Online School of Theology are two non-degree courses, with plans to expand into certifications, potentially adding M.A. degree programs in the future. Learn more & register here>>

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