Source: Orthodox Christian Mission Center

We are all astounded, as if a new World War has been declared by an invisible enemy, the Coronavirus.
We are all standing uneasily before the unforeseen changes, brought about by this unprecedented pandemic, to the life of the rich and poor, to the educated and simple people, to health, to the economy, to transportation, to the various forms of leisure, and to celebrations.
It behooves us to avoid panic, depression, and despair. Composure, sobriety, and careful concern and discipline towards the instructions and health directives of the responsible governments are required of us. Likewise, we owe wholehearted thanks to those who are tasked with maintaining public cleanliness, order, and information, and especially to the healthcare professionals who are on the vanguard of the battle for the care of the infected.
Remaining inside our homes, let us not permit irritations and conflicts to fester, but let us cultivate creativity, a peaceful disposition, kindness, understanding, affection, and love.
All who are faithful, let us intensify our prayer for the period of this trial to not be protracted, for the recovery of those who are seriously afflicted, and for the spread of the pandemic COVID-19 to be limited. Even more, let us pray that God enlightens the researchers to swiftly determine the proper preventive and therapeutic processes.
Primarily, it is imperative to strengthen our trust in God. Faith and love are the most powerful defensive weapons against the attack of this invisible virus that threatens humanity. Something good will ultimately come out of this crisis, and we hope that human societies will reexamine their values and priorities.
Therefore, my brothers and sisters: No anxiety, no disquiet! Let us have more courage, an agreeable attitude, obedience to the instructions, and above all sincere solidarity. The peace and the hope of God strengthen our patience and resistance and let them guide us to make the required choices and changes in our lives after this grave crisis.
Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and all Albania