Browsing: appeal

Source: Orthodox Church in America SPRINGFIELD, VA [OCA]  December 10, 2023, the Sunday before the feast day of Saint Herman of Alaska, is the second annual collection for the Orthodox Church in America’s Diocese of Alaska. His Grace Bishop Alexei spoke at 20th All-American Council in Baltimore, MD where he detailed the serious challenges facing the OCA’s mother diocese. The council passed a resolution to support the Alaskan Diocese in their difficult situation: “Whereas Alaska is the cradle of Orthodoxy in America: Be it resolved that the 20th AAC asks the Holy Synod of Bishops to designate annually the Sunday closest to the December feast…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity View the PDF of the Letter here Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) launched several important initiatives in 2023. “Orthodoxy In Action” Presentations OCL sponsored four Orthodoxy In Action presentations via Zoom which may be viewed on OCL’s YouTube Channel ( (1) At the first presentation on January 29, George Matsoukas (OCL Executive Director Emeritus and Board Member) represented OCL and related his experiences at the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) Mega Conference held in Volos, Greece, from January 12-14, 2023. (2) On February 26, Ken Liu, Executive Director of Orthodox Youth and Young Adult Ministries (OYM)(, focused…

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Source: The Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA] Dear beloved children in the Lord, It is with profound pain and sorrow that we see the situation unfolding in Ukraine. The invasion of Russian troops has already caused death and destruction in many areas of the country and, as the battle progresses, the human cost continues to rise. It is heartbreaking to see the images of destroyed buildings, homes, and traffic jams as refugees flee the cities for their safety. As Orthodox Christians we are expected to help those who are suffering and give comfort to the afflicted. The Apostle…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Network Join myOCN Interactive Virtual Community this Thursday, 6/10 at 7:00 pm EST. Register Now. Guest host, Hank Hanegraaff will be joined by special guest Terry Mattingly where they will be discussing the Orthodox Appeal to “Nones” and “Dones.”  As was communicated on last week’s OCN Let’s Talk, the Mother Church’s overall numbers are shrinking. And in addition to this internal crisis, the external host culture has turned antagonistic, even hostile, toward “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”  As Fr. Chris Metropulos has emphasized again and again, the solution entails two major components—one external; the other internal.…

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