Browsing: leaders

Source: CBC News Allegations in statement of claim are ‘wholly without merit,’ says Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto By Lauren Pelley, CBC News A civil lawsuit filed against some of the most powerful members of Canada’s Greek Orthodox community includes allegations of verbal and physical abuse by priests, money for a sick baby stolen from a church fundraiser, and sex offenders placed in Toronto churches — a controversy some say is part of an ongoing Greek “turf war.” The board of directors for the Greek Community of Toronto (GCT), a non-profit charity representing more than 150,000 Greek Canadians, filed the lawsuit against the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto, its metropolitan — the Greek Orthodox…

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Source: Read Part 1 here by Frank Marangos D.Min., Ed.D. “I am the Good Shepherd. My sheep hear My voice, and follow Me.” John 10:11, 27 A man in Australia was arrested and charged with stealing a sheep. At his arraignment, the accused emphatically claimed that the animal was one of his own that had been missing for many days. Not knowing how to decide the matter, the judge instructed the bailiff to bring the sheep into the courtroom. The magistrate then ordered the plaintiff to “go outside and call the animal.” Although the voice of the alleged owner could…

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Source: by Frank Marangos D.Min., Ed.D. “I am the Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Psalms 81:10 Last week, Christians throughout the globe began their respective Paschal journeys. While Catholics marked the official start of their Lenten pilgrimage on Ash Wednesday, Orthodox Christians inaugurated their 40-day preparation for Easter on Clean Monday – a day set aside for “cleaning out” (eliminating) unhealthy food, thoughts, resentments, and habits from their homes, minds, bodies, and souls.  Apart from inviting the faithful to a period of fasting, repentance,…

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