Browsing: Orthodoxy

Source: Catholic Culture & Pravmir “Whenever an Orthodox church succumbs to nationalist rhetoric and lends support to racial tendencies, it loses sight of the authentic theological principles and gives in to a fallen mindset, totally alien to the core of Orthodoxy” In an address delivered in the Netherlands, Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, who holds a primacy of honor within Eastern Orthodoxy, criticized nationalist tendencies within some Orthodox churches. “The concept of the nation cannot become a determining factor of Church life or an axis of Church organization,” the Ecumenical Patriarch said in an address delivered at the Old Catholic…

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Editor’s Note: Please see the author’s comment in the Comment Section at the end of the article. Source: The National Herald By V. Rev. Fr. Steven C. Salaris Last year I attended a clergy gathering where we had several “workshops” discussing the importance of Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) ministry to college students, and what I call “The 60%.” This term derives from a recent study revealing that 60% of college students never return to church after college… So why do 60% of our college youth leave Orthodoxy? This is a difficult question to answer, but I have come up with several hypotheses.…

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Source: Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam, Kerala, India Dr. Christine Mangala Frost, a venerable resource person at the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies at Cambridge, UK gave a brief talk on her journey from being a Tamil Brahmin to Orthodox Christianity on Tuesday December 4, 2012 at the Ecumenical Hall in the Smrithi Complex. Dr. Christine Mangala was born a Brahmin Hindu. She was brought up on yoga. Her grandfather, in fact, was a personal friend of one of the expounders of modern yoga and Vedanta philosophy, the well-known Swami Sivananda, who is the founder of the Divine Life Society. She…

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Orthodox Christian Laity 11th Annual Meeting October 9-11, 1998 at The Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, CA. Theme: Orthodoxy in the Next Millennium and the Role of the Orthodox Christian Laity. Speakers: Stephen P. Angelides George D. Aravosis George D. Coupounas Dr. Peter Haikalis John T. John Rev. Michel E. Najim Rev. Steven J. Vlahos Dr. Verna Harrison Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

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