Browsing: Strategic Plan

Source:  Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA] As reported on the web site of the Orthodox Church in America, an update on progress in implementing the Strategic Plan adopted by delegates to the 16th All-American Council was presented at the fall session of the Metropolitan Council here during the last week of September 2012. In his presentation to the Metropolitan Council, Priest John Vitko likened the strategic planning goals to “seeds that are beginning to germinate.” Of the eight identified goals, four are being piloted at the local level, three at the central Church level, and one at both…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA/Priest John Vitko] The draft Strategic Plan for the Orthodox Church in America was a major focus of the recent 16th All-American Council. Four of the eight plenary sessions focused in part or in-to on the Strategic Plan. The heart of these activities were two three-hour long workshops focused on each of the 10 top priority goals – with participants having the opportunity to further develop the goals and to identify initial projects that they, the participants, networked together could do to help achieve the goal. The Strategic Planning workshops were very well…

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