Browsing: Syriac

Source: Fordham University Though Syriac Christianity is one of the oldest Christian cultures, many people in the West are unaware of its existence and unfamiliar with its traditions. If we recognize, however, that some of Syriac Christianity’s most important ancient centers—Nineveh, Babylon, and Beroea—are today’s Mosul, Baghdad, and Aleppo, we get a better understanding of how it is imperiled by today’s violent conflicts. Now, some of the most beautiful and sophisticated Syriac manuscripts of the ancient world are at risk of being lost forever, said one of the world’s leading experts on Syriac texts. Columba Stewart, O.S.B., professor of theology…

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Source: The American Conservative By ROD DREHER A friend passed on to me a must-listen Fresh Air interview with Jason Hamacher, an American punk drummer who went to Syria just before the war to record ancient Sufi and Christian liturgical music. From the transcript: And then two days later, the Archbishop of the United States for the Syrian Orthodox church emailed me from Teaneck, New Jersey. He was very supportive and said that he did not have the music I was looking for but had music that was similar, that was of a different practice, inside the Orthodox church.…

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