Source: The National Herald
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco wants his chancellor, Bishop Apostolos of Medeia to be removed. TNH has learned that Gerasimos is extremely disappointed with Apostolos’ performance at the chancery and with his insubordinate behavior towards him, evident to the clergy and laity alike.
Gerasimos voiced his concerns to His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew during the Synaxis of the Hierarchy of the Ecumenical Throne in Constantinople early in September, and has also discussed the issue with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America.
He has requested Apostolos’ transfer to another post. Apostolos was elected just a year ago. His ordination to Episcopacy took place at the Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral in New York. Patriarch Bartholomew gave a set of hierarchical vestments to Apostolos.
TNH has learned that Bartholomew has been extremely disappointed with the negative developments involving Apostolos at the Metropolis. Patriarch Bartholomew charged a Metropolitan from the Phanar to convey the Pariarchate’s (and the Patriarch’s personal) discontent, and “to shape up or the end will not be good at all.”Apostolos, concerned over the message, told his friend newly ordained Bishop Makarios (Grinezakis) of Christoupolis, expressing doubts as to whether the Phanar Metropolitan acted on Bartholomew’s behalf or his own.
Makarios, who is from Crete, became assistant Bishop to Archbishop Stefanos of Estonia because the Church of Crete was reluctant to promote his candidacy. TNH has learned that the Phanar will eventually appoint Makarios Archbishop in Estonia to succeed Stefanos.
Bartholomew pressured Demetrios to elevate Apostolos to the Episcopacy, as TNH reported in 2013. Demetrios resisted for a number of years, but finally complied: Apostolos was elected auxiliary Bishop of Medeia and he was ordained by Demertrios and members of the Holy Eparchial Synod.
Prior to that, Apostolos had served for eight years as presiding priest at St. Demetrios Cathedral in Astoria, suddenly leaving in October 2011 to assume the San Francisco Metropolis chancery. According to the ecclesiastical order, Apostolos is actually Assistant Bishop to Demetrios.
He serves as Metropolis chancellor “on loan.” The same applies to Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos who “on loan” and serves as chancellor to the Chicago Metropolis. It is up to Demetrios’ discretion to recall Apostolos at any time and transfer him. Demetrios may also ask the Patriarchate to transfer Apostolos outside the United States – for example, as assistant to Metropolitan Athenagoras of Mexico or Metropolitan Tarasios of Buenos Aires (South America).
1 Comment
How disappointing!
It was reported that Archbishop Demetrios “resisted” the elevation of Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos , who serves as Chancellor of the Metropolis of Chicago. More than 750 signatures have been submitted to the Archbishop to remove him from his position as Chancellor in Chicago. Mr. Kalmoukos now reports that Archbishop Demetrios also resisted elevating Bishop Apostolos, who is proving to be a problem for Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, who has asked that he be transferred.
Apparently Archbishop Demetrios was correct in resisting the elevation of both of these individuals. Unfortunately he allowed himself to be pressured into agreeing. Now, we have two titular bishops of “sees” in Asia Minor — who the Archbishop has the authority to remove from their positions as Chancellors. Why hasn’t he acted?
Events have proven that His Eminence was right to resist the elevation of these two individuals in the first place. He was wrong to succumb to pressure and agree to elevate them. By removing both of them now, he will correct two wrongs.. and he will be doing the right thing for the Church and the faithful in both Metropolises.