Source: Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
[CLINTON, MI – August 12, 2016] With sadness, we report the fact that around noon on Friday, August 12, the church of Ascension of the Lord Monastery in Clinton, Michigan burned down. The cause of the fire is as yet unknown. His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel together with Rev. Fr. Vicar Dan Hoarste traveled to the monastery to be with the monastic community immediately following the fire. During this difficult time, we pray to God to give peace and comfort to the monastic community during this difficult test. Out of concern and a display of support, the Episcopate is establishing a fund for the monastery and encourages parishes to make a collection. As with all official Episcopate Appeals, we ask that the parish combine all donations and send a check(s) made payable to: ROEA, PO BOX 309, GRASS LAKE MI 49240-0309. Note “Ascension Monastery Fire” on your check. The total collected will be distributed to the monastery and will be reported in Solia – The Herald.More photos below:
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