Welcome to Christ the Savior Academy, Inc. The school opened on August 20, 2012 for grades Junior Kindergarten through 2nd grade. If you have more questions, please call us at 316-519-5891 or contact us online.
Christ the Savior Academy believes that children are spiritual beings. Education is more than mere preparation for worldly success, but, rather, is training the mind, body, and soul for a well-ordered life and inheritance of the Kingdom of God. We believe that parents, the Church and the school can work together to set a strong foundation for a child’s life.
The mission of Christ the Savior Academy is to train the mind of the student to recognize unchanging truth and for the soul in virtuous character by immersion in a classical curriculum and historic Orthodox Christian Spirituality. Our students will enjoy preparation for higher education, future vocation, faithful living and eternity.
Before beginning a building project, it is important to have a blueprint. So, let’s begin with the end in mind. Here is the mold for students at Christ the Savior Academy:
- We seek to form thorough literacy, self-discipline, academic rigor, and insightful thinking in students, thus providing them with the skills necessary to excel in any academic or intellectual endeavor.
- We seek to make the student aware of Truth as an unchanging, sovereign, and spiritual reality, and, of the importance of moral principle.
- We seek to establish the student upon a firm foundation in Jesus Christ, who is the beginning and end of all knowledge.
Christ the Savior Academy
7515 East 13th
Wichita, KS 67206
Email: info@christthesavioracademy.org