Akron, Ohio Meeting
Hilton Hotel
May 29 to May 31, 2014
Thursday, May 29
- Board members arrive and check in at Hilton Hotel, 3180 West Market Street, Akron, OH 44333 Telephone: (330) 867-5000
- 6:30pm. Dinner at BRAVO Restaurant (Italian cuisine) followed by informal Executive meeting. The restaurant is walking distance from the hotel, directly across the street in the shopping center. Don’t worry if you are arriving late. Just straggle over after you check in. We will be there in a private room for quite a while.
Friday, May 30
- 8:30am. Continental Breakfast in Hilton meeting room, lower level.
- 9:00am. Meeting begins. See agenda forwarded separately.
- 10:30am – 11:30am. Conference call with Board members not in attendance. See separate agenda.
- 12:00pm – 1:30pm. Lunch in Hilton Restaurant. We will be joined by Michael Pacurar, organizer of the PanOrthodox Youth Festival to discuss the events he has underway and to discuss how we can work together with his organization to help bring about administrative unity in the Orthodox churches in America
- 1:30pm. Regular meeting resumes.
- 4:30pm. OCL meeting concludes and Board members proceed to Vespers. The church is only 2 miles from the hotel.
- 5:00pm. Vespers at Presentation of our Lord Romanian Orthodox Church, Father Ian Pacurar presiding.
- Visit with parishioners and youth at the church.
- Time to be determined – Dinner at Ken Stewart’s Grill.
Saturday, May 31
- Nothing scheduled regarding OCL.
- PanOrthodox youth activities begin at 9:00am with soccer games at Copley High School. At 1:00pm the dance group activities for the youth begin at Presentation of our Lord Romanian Church.
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