Source: Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America
From the Antiochian Women NAB
Antiochian Women Vice-President and Project Coordinator Dorothy Tampary has announced the organization’s 2023-2024 project, an Endowment Fund for widowed clergy wives.
She writes, “God has blessed our Archdiocese with miraculous growth as we welcome new catechumens and returning Orthodox members. As we look to the future, we have realized the need to support and show appreciation for the women who serve Christ as helpmates to their priest-servant husbands.
“This year’s Antiochian Women Project seeks to honor our widowed clergy wives for the years of selfless service they have given to our Archdiocese. Our love for them and our deep respect have moved us to establish a dedicated Endowment Fund from which the yearly dividends will be distributed among them. The amount of financial support we can offer each year will directly depend on the amount of funding we raise for this year’s Project. So let’s show our heartfelt support for these well-deserving ladies and inaugurate this Endowment Fund with a generous financial base.
“We urge the Antiochian Women of each parish in our Archdiocese to support the 2024 Antiochian Women Project by contributing to this needed Endowment Fund through fundraisers and contributions. More instructions will follow as to whom to send your collected monies for this Project from your diocesan treasurers. It is not too early to plan and execute fundraising events for this worthy 2024 Antiochian Women Project.”
Read the full announcement letter
Download the project poster