Source: Orthodox Church in America
BROOKLINE, MA [OCAMPR] His Grace, Bishop Alexander of Dallas, the South and the Bulgarian Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America will deliver the keynote address at the annual conference of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion [OCAMPR] to be held at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology here November 3-5, 2016.
The conference theme is “On Pain and Suffering.”
In addition to Bishop Alexander, other plenary speakers include Donald Jenkins, MD [medical perspective]; Albert Rossi, Ph.D. [psychological perspective]and Rev. Emmanuel Clapsis, Ph.D. [theological perspective].
The conference also will offer numerous workshops and paper presentations related to this year’s theme as well as themes reflecting OCAMPR’s focus on care across disciplines. Additional papers are still being accepted for consideration and presentation. Abstracts, which should include the proposed title, a one paragraph abstract, and the presenter’s credentials, should be sent to by September 1.
Papers slated to be presented represent a broad spectrum of topics.
- “The Patient Acceptance of Tribulations as an Exemplar of Spiritual Practice,” Mark W. Flory, Ph.D., Affilliate Faculty, Depart of Philosophy, Metropolitan State University, Denver, CO.
- “Philanthropia and Global Bioethics: An Orthodox Perspective on Social Responsibility in Healthcare,” Chris Durante, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Manhattan College, Bronx, NY.
- “Traumatic Loss: An Orthodox Perspective on Forgiveness in Amish Community,” Tom Miller, M.D., Hospice and Pallative Care, Lancaster, PA.
- “Distinctions of Shame and Guilt and Their Influence Upon Addictive Behavior,” Rev. Theodore Niklasson, M.T.S., Holy Archangels Orthodox Christian Retreat Center, Ava, MO.
- “Seek Out Motivations: Improving Antenatal Counseling of Preemie Parents When Infant Death is Likely,” Eric Rutherford, M.S., former Financial Manager of San Francisco’s Raphael House homeless shelter, Seattle, WA.
- “A Co-Suffering Community: Eastern Orthodox Ethical Reflections on Bipolar Disorder, Suicide, and Support,” Kate McCray, Ph.D. candidate in Theological Studies: Christian Ethics, University of Toronto.
- “Addiction, the Healer, and Divine Intervention: A Caretaker’s Journey Through Compassion Fatigue,” Deacon Nikolas Delaveris, M.Div., Primary Counselor, Phoenix House Mid-Atlantic, Arlington, VA.
- “Violence of Hermaneutics and Theories in Pastoral Care,” Sebastian Farlardeau, Ph.D. candidate in Theology, Chaplain and Researcher, Université de Montreal.
- “The Science of Empathy and Purity of Heart in Understanding Suffering,” Mariana Cuceu, M.D., Ph.D. candidate, the Program on Medicine and Religion, University of Chicago, IL and Peter Engel, M.D., VA Boston Healthcare System and Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
- “Orthodox Reflections on a Model of Missionary Resiliency,” Geoff Whiteman, M.A., Th.M. candidate, Marriage and Family Therapist, Missionary Care Coordinator at the Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Wilmore, KY.
- “Visiting the Sick, Visiting Christ, Visiting Myself: A Theology of Pastoral Care,” Rev. Adrian Budica, Th.M., Director of Field Education and Supervisor in Clinical Pastoral Education, Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY, and Assistant Priest at Saint Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, Brooklyn, NY.
Further information and details regarding registration and housing are available on OCAMPR’s web site.