Browsing: Grassroots Unity in Action

There are nearly two hundred Orthodox women in North America who have received graduate degrees in Orthodox theology, primarily from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology or St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. A number of these Orthodox women, committed to Christ and to His Gospel, have come together to form SAINT CATHERINE’S VISION. Blessed by the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA), this group came together in reunion held at Antiochian in November of 2005. Founded in a discipline of love, seeking the discernment of the Holy Spirit, Saint Catherine’s Vision strives to explore, study, and…

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Mission The Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies serves and supports the Orthodox Church by fostering theological education, scholarship, worship and prayer. Promoting the acquisition of higher learning and scholarship in the context of traditional Orthodox life, practice and thought, it offers a venue for foundational and higher study in theological, historical, liturgical and practical areas of Orthodox Christianity. Goals and Aims The Institute, as a new venture of the Orthodox Church in North America, will be a centre for higher learning in Orthodox Christianity, fostering and supporting the life of the Church and its mission in the…

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OCCHY is a unique national alliance founded and supported by the Department of Youth and Parish Ministries of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. We are establishing, training and leading substance abuse prevention and intervention coalitions across America. For more information contact: V. Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Purpura or Kathleen A. Purpura

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Welcome to Christ the Savior Academy, Inc. The school opened on August 20, 2012 for grades Junior Kindergarten through 2nd grade. If you have more questions, please call us at 316-519-5891 or contact us online. Philosophy Christ the Savior Academy believes that children are spiritual beings. Education is more than mere preparation for worldly success, but, rather, is training the mind, body, and soul for a well-ordered life and inheritance of the Kingdom of God. We believe that parents, the Church and the school can work together to set a strong foundation for a child’s life. Mission The mission of…

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We inaugurate this feature by highlighting Agia Sophia Coffee Shop, Harrisburg, at 225 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA which is an offshoot of Agia Sophia Coffee Shop, Colorado Springs. It is located at 2902 W Colorado Avenue Suite 100, Colorado Springs. All profits from these coffee shops go to local charities in their geographic areas. The original coffee shop in Colorado Springs is the brainchild of Father Anthony Karbo (OCA). Father Stephen Verak, Pastor of Christ the Savior, Harrisburg, and one of the 5 participating church communities in the coffee house, told us that this Pan-Orthodox project is a blessing for…

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Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the program that SCOBA, now replaced by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops designed and oversees to keep our youth in the Orthodox Church in America. They, of course, are the future of the Church and when the OCF national office published a survey at its inception showing that 60% of our college youth are leaving the Church and never returning, and a more recent survey showing this trend accelerating to almost 70% (that’s almost 3 out of 4) it should be a cause of alarm for all Orthodox clergy and lay. OCF is directed…

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In 1977, Mother Mary Blossom and Father Gregory Reynolds moved from Tennessee to Cleveland, OH to set up a monastery originally sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (USA) and to serve the urban poor. They created St. Herman’s, a mission serving the poor and hungry; a House of Hospitality patterned after the Catholic worker tradition, with a special Orthodox influence. St. Herman’s grew over the years, blessed by support from the Orthodox community and others. Now, 35 years later, the mission of St. Herman’s continues, and has recently been refocused and rejuvenated with support from the 20-plus local Orthodox Churches…

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Cardiff by the Sea, CA – On February 4, 2011, over 65 Orthodox Christians from over a dozen canonical Eastern Orthodox churches gathered at Sts. Constantine and Helen Orthodox Church for a “Together as One” Workshop to get to know one another and to make plans for the future within their ministry areas. The activities started with an opening prayer from Fr. Simeon Corona and a delicious luncheon that was prepared by ladies from Saint Constantine and Helen and members of Orthodox San Diego. Expressions of gratitude for what Orthodox San Diego accomplished over the past year along with some…

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MISSION The mission of the OCSA is to bring the light of Christ to America through schooling that unites intellectual, spiritual, and cultural growth as inseparable needs for the human person. We seek to be a catalyst for the growth of Orthodox Christian primary and secondary schools, a central resource for their needs, as well as a means of their unified efforts to cultivate a noble and dignified society as understood by the Orthodox Christian faith. VISION A major pillar of a vibrant and influential American Orthodox Church will be a network of day schools that represent faithfully the teachings…

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ZOE for Life! is a ministry serving pregnant women in distress in a confidential setting. Many women enjoy the blessings of love and a support structure to lead them to marriage, children, and a meaningful life. Others, however, are not as fortunate. They find themselves pregnant and in crisis. They have made the wrong choices and are in turmoil. They are not thinking, they are panicking! So few women are well versed on the various services that are available to them. Their overwhelming concern is, “What am I going to do now?” Many wrestle with abortion, some with adoption, and…

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Here in the NW, both in Seattle and Portland areas, we have very active Pan-Orthodox Clergy Associations. They sponsor retreats two or three times a year, have joint services on various occasions (such as Sunday night Lenten Vespers in Seattle area), and support OCF’s on college campuses, among other things. The parishes in the Spokane area (Eastern Washington and Idaho) also work closely together. Visit our relatively new web site which reports on Pan-Orthodox activities in the NW. It is at Scroll down the right side for a very comprehensive list of links to all kinds of web sites.…

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I became Orthodox because of my ministry among the poor. The ministry founded and still lead, The King’s Jubilee (, was received with me into the church when my wife and I were chrismated. It is truly a pan-Orthodox ministry. We have participation from Antiochians, Greeks, Russians, Albanians, Serbs, Georgians, etc. We also have participation from a couple of Roman Catholic churches on occasion. Although, I am not sure how that will stand going forward, since one RC volunteer was just chrismated into the Orthodox Church during Holy Week. We have been serving on the streets of Philadelphia for over…

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