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Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA On February 13, the Romanian Patriarchate’s news agency,, issued a clarification relating to the decision of its Holy Synod on February 9 “to approve the recognition of the autocephaly granted to the Church in the Republic of North Macedonia under the name of ‘Archdiocese of Ohrid and North Macedonia, with headquarters in Skopje’ by the Patriarchate of Serbia by its Synodal Tomos issued on June 5, 2022.”   The original decision by the Romanian Patriarchate is reported at  Its clarification is found at  The original statement by the news agency was very significant in that it…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy PRIME MINISTER AHMED FORCED TO TALK TO THE ETHIOPIAN ORTHODOX TEWAHDO CHURCH by Habtom Yohannes What initially seemed an internal conflict between the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church (EtOTC) and an Oromo breakaway synod of 28 bishops, has developed into an open clash between the Ethiopian government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the EtOTC. The current struggle is actually a scramble over who has ownership of the nation: the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church or the Ethiopian nation-state? And who owns “the church”: the Amhara, the Tegaru, or the Oromo, or the three of them equally?…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy ελληνικά | Русский Your Eminences! My letter is addressed to the Orthodox bishops in Russia. I have intentionally not collected signatures or involved any Church structures or public organizations, because I am addressing not the episcopal body, not the leaders of the Moscow Patriarchy, but each of you personally. My letter’s addressee is an Orthodox Christian who took holy baptismal and monastic vows, was elevated to the dignity of bishop, and who in his heart recognizes that it is impossible to govern the Church without striving to love Christ, seeking His truth, and serving Him and not Caesar. Under the circumstances,…

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Source: The Living Church By Richard Mammana Jr. Metropolitan John Zizioulas of Pergamon, one of the most influential Orthodox theologians of modern times, died on February 2. He was co-chairman of the International Commission for Anglican–Orthodox Theological Dialogue from 1989 to 2007. Zizioulas was born in 1931 in northern Greece, and studied at the University of Thessaloniki and the University of Athens before attending the World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Institute of Bossey in 1955. After work as a professor of Church history and patristics in Greece, Zizioulas taught systematic theology and patristics in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and London from 1970 to…

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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Wednesday, February 01, 2023 The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened in Los Angeles, California from January 28-31st for its 12th Meeting. Thirty Hierarchs participated in the meeting chaired by Archbishop Elpidophoros. On January 28th the Executive Committee met to confirm the meeting agenda and to conduct their regular business, including approving new board members for Orthodox Volunteer Corps and Orthodox Youth Ministries. Later that evening, all the Hierarchs gathered at Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Los Angeles for Great Vespers, presided over by Archbishop Elpidophoros, Chairman of the…

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Source: Ss Cyril & Methodius Orthodox Church Originally posted on October 23, 2019 ~ FR GREGORY Excerpts from the intervention of His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Demetrias, Chairman of the Synodal Committee for Inter-Orthodox and Inter-Christian Relations During the Extraordinary Session of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece (12th October 2019) Your Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, Brothers in Christ, The Synodal Committee for Inter-Orthodox and Inter-Christian Relations, which I am honored to chair, explicitly followed the mandate of the Standing Holy Synod of the Church of Greece. In this light, I would like to summarize…

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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA My Beloved Brothers and Concelebrants in the Holy Spirit, I greet you with a spirit of optimism and confidence in this New Year of 2023, and I pray that it shall be for each of you, a year of blessings for you and the Faithful Orthodox Christians entrusted to your guidance and leadership. We are very blessed indeed to be gathered together here in Los Angeles, where we have been in prayer and fellowship with one another the past days. I believe that these opportunities to come together as Hierarchs of…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity During OCL’s Orthodoxy in Action Call on January 29, 2023, George Matsoukas (OCL Executive Director Emeritus & Board Member) relates his experience during the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) Mega Conference held in Volos, Greece from January 12-14, 2023. Dr Teva Regule and George Nassos, who also participated in the Conference, offered their perspectives also. NOTES FROM GEORGE MATSOUKAS Basic Overview IOTA International Orthodox Theological Association Conference January 11-15, 2023 Volos, Greece Major Supporters and Co-Laborers sponsored the conference. The mission of IOTA is a community of scholars and professionals dedicated to the worldwide exchange of…

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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Sunday, January 29, 2023 There are moments that emerge as unique and unrepeatable events, moments in which the very presence of God is revealed to us. And then time stops, to make us think more deeply about what God’s providence is working for us. Such a great moment happens every time we celebrate the Divine Liturgy. Your Eminences, Your Graces, beloved brothers in the Holy Spirit and co-celebrants, and dear pious assembly of the fullness of the Church, Today in this holy church we met to honor the memory of a Saint…

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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Saturday, January 28, 2023 Your Eminences and Graces – dear brothers in Christ, Beloved in the Lord, Standing in this magnificent Cathedral – dedicated to the Holy Wisdom of God – I would like to thank all of you for making the effort to be here this evening with your fellow brethren hierarchs of the Assembly. We have served the Great Vespers for the Sunday of the Canaanite Woman, which prepares us for the Holy Season of Triodion. And as all of us know, there is an intensity in this story; for…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America On Saturday, January 28, 2023, the First Synaxis of Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the USA convened in Los Angeles, California, under the presidency of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America. The hierarchs, twelve in all, represent the Orthodox ecclesiastical eparchies under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, namely the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, as well as the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox and Albanian Orthodox dioceses. “As leaders of our communities at every level, we have the responsibility and privilege to voice the concerns of the Ecumenical Throne, and to provide advocacy for…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos BOSTON – New serious inter-Orthodox problems have arisen at the Archdiocese and consequently at the Ecumenical Patriarchate regarding bishop-elect Alexander Belya of the Slavic Orthodox Vicariate in the United States. As The National Herald had reported in July of 2022, Fr. Belya’s ordination to the episcopacy which was scheduled to take place at the end of July in Miami, Florida was postponed. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America had issued an official announcement stating: “In a spirit of the careful responsibility for the preservation of Orthodox Christian unity in the United States of…

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