Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA
On February 13, the Romanian Patriarchate’s news agency,, issued a clarification relating to the decision of its Holy Synod on February 9 “to approve the recognition of the autocephaly granted to the Church in the Republic of North Macedonia under the name of ‘Archdiocese of Ohrid and North Macedonia, with headquarters in Skopje’ by the Patriarchate of Serbia by its Synodal Tomos issued on June 5, 2022.” The original decision by the Romanian Patriarchate is reported at Its clarification is found at The original statement by the news agency was very significant in that it assigned no special role to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the granting of autocephaly. Earlier, the Moscow Patriarchate in recognizing the autocephaly of the church in North Macedonia had also not mentioned the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The clarification on February 13 by the Romanian Patriarchate now expressly acknowledges an important role played by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The clarification is as follows:
On February 9, 2023, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church approved the recognition of the autocephaly granted to the Orthodox Church in the Republic of North Macedonia by the Patriarchate of Serbia through its synodal tomos issued on June 5, 2022.
During the synodal session, the decision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of May 9, 2022, to restore canonical and Eucharistic communion with the Orthodox Church of the Republic of North Macedonia, led by Archbishop Stefan, was taken into account. Furthermore, the Ecumenical Patriarchate entrusted the Church of Serbia with the regulation of administrative aspects concerning the organisation of the new Church in North Macedonia.
Another topic considered by the Romanian hierarchs was the issue of autocephaly and the means by which it is granted and recognised, which was analysed during several working meetings of the Inter-Orthodox Committee for the preparation of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church.
The point of view of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding autocephaly, which was also presented at the Meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the Holy and Great Council in Chambesy (2011), is as follows:
“The Holy Synod of the mother Church is the canonical authority that can grant autocephaly to a daughter Church through a synodal tomos signed by the Primate of the mother Church together with all the bishops of that Holy Synod. The recognition of the new autocephaly belongs to the entire Orthodox Church, achieved through a tomos of recognition of autocephaly signed, without any distinction, by all the Primates of the autocephalous Orthodox Churches, in the order of the Diptychs, within the Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches.”
Given this information, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church respected the decisions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to receive into Eucharistic communion the hierarchs, clerics, monastics and believers pastored by Archbishop Stefan and to leave it to the Patriarchate of Serbia to regulate the administrative aspects between the two Churches.
After recognising the initial synodal tomos issued on June 5, 2022, by the Patriarchate of Serbia granting autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in the Republic of North Macedonia, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church expects the Ecumenical Patriarchate to initiate (consultations) and issue a final tomos of autocephaly to express a pan-Orthodox consensus on this topic of autocephaly recognition.
The clarification thus makes clear that the “synodal tomos” issued by the Serbian Patriarchate is only the first step and that the process of granting autocephaly will be concluded by a “final tomos” issued by the Ecumenical Patriarchate based on a pan-Orthodox consensus. The last sentence of the clarification appears to be more favorable to the Ecumenical Patriarchate than the Romanian statement at the Chambesy meeting in 2011 because the last sentence specifically provides that the “final tomos” expressing a consensus would be issued by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
On February 7, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Czech Lands and Slovakia made its decision with respect to the Orthodox Church in North Macedonia.; The decision was as follows:
The Holy Synod took note of the letters of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the restoration of Eucharistic communion with the dioceses in North Macedonia, as well as the letters of the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije on the reintegration of the Church in North Macedonia into the canonical structure of the Serbian Orthodox Church and on the granting of the autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in North Macedonia by the Patriarchal and Synodal Tomos of May 20, 2022. These canonical decisions of the sister Orthodox Churches were adopted with thanks to God for the elimination of the long-standing schism.
This statement is cautiously worded. It appears to give equal weight to the letters from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Serbian Patriarch Porfirije. Unlike Moscow’s statement, it does not directly say that the Holy Synod recognizes the church in North Macedonia “as an autocephalous” church nor does it say that the name of the church’s primate is inscribed “in the sacred diptychs.” Rather, the Holy Synod “took note” of the letters from Bartholomew and Porfirije and “adopted” the “canonical decisions of the sister Orthodox Churches.”
In Ukraine, Archbishop Sylvester of Bilogorod, rector of the UOC’s Kyiv Theological Academy, has now given a third interview. His first two interviews were discussed in my last report. In the third interview, the Archbishop acknowledges that there were “shameful cases” of collaborationism by members of the UOC. He states:
And these are shameful cases. But these are cases, not a systemic phenomenon. However, they are presented in the mass media according to a simple principle: “If there is one traitor among them, then the others are the same.” But this simply contradicts logic, it is an outright manipulation. The vast majority of our priests have been helping the Ukrainian army in every possible way since the first days of the war, going to the front line with humanitarian missions, supporting those who suffered during the hostilities. And let’s not forget that it was His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry who condemned the Russian invasion on the very first day of the war! If I am not mistaken, he was the first religious leader of Ukraine to make a statement condemning Russian aggression. If we return to the issue of collaborationism, I believe that the Church should openly recognize such cases. At the same time, responsibility must be individual. If the priest’s guilt is proven, he must be held accountable according to the law. But this guilt cannot be made collective and put on the whole Church. This, by the way, is another of the basic principles of European justice.
The Archbishop acknowledged that public opinion in Ukraine is now generally negative against the UOC. He stated:
Yes, public opinion is generally negative. But how can it be otherwise, when a negative image of our Church is being strongly created? Of course, there are some things to criticize us. And there are shameful cases of the behavior of clergymen in the temporarily occupied territories. But there are also thousands of completely opposite examples. Have you often seen the news, say, on the leading TV channels, about how our priests took people out of shelling? How did they distribute food, transfer vehicles and funds to the front, provide churches and church premises for the accommodation of refugees? You don’t see? And you won’t see. And you will be told about one priest-collaborator ten times a day on all channels. And after that, what will be the attitude towards us?
The entire candid interview is worth reading.
Peter Anderson, Seattle USA
Romania’s Recognition of Macedonian Autocephaly Has Revived Chambésy
On February 9, the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Romania announced its decision to recognize the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in the Republic of North Macedonia. This decision is much more significant than it might seem at first blush; in fact, what Romania has done is to resurrect the pre-conciliar pan-Orthodox process (known as “Chambésy,” after the location of the meetings) that was to lay the groundwork for the Holy and Great Council. Romania’s action takes us back to a simpler and more collaborative era in Orthodox history – a time not so long ago, and yet so very long ago – and, perhaps, gives us a way out of the mess we’re in….
Read the complete article at:
Thank you, Mr. Namee,
“From your mouth to God’s ear!”
Do you believe that resurrecting the pan-Orthodox process known as Chambesy will motivate the Assembly of Bishops in America to respond positively to A Declaration for Orthodox Christian Unity in America, promoted on this website by OCL?
Wasn’t the Assembly created by the Chambesy documents for the express purpose of bringing the Church in America into “canonical order”?
What does canonical order mean other than a single synod of canonical Orthodox bishops in the territory of America that elects its own presiding Hierarch and in which there is only one bishop for each diocese within the territory of North America?
Moscow granted autocephaly to the OCA, its “daughter” Church in America more than fifty years ago. Yet, “the mess we’re in” continues. The issue of how and by whom autocephaly is achieved was taken off the agenda of the Holy and Great Council.. which was then boycotted by Moscow, Antioch, et al.
The Assembly of Bishops waiting for Constantinople and Moscow to resolve their differences is like Nero fiddling while Rome burns.
Is that conflict the reason the bishops in our Assembly have not completed the task assigned to them by Chambesy? What can the faithful in America do to encourage and empower their bishops to do what they have been charged to do?
What can the faithful in America do to convince the heads of the autocephalous Orthodox churches that unanimously issued the Chambesy directives to empower the bishops in the Assembly to resolve “the mess we’re in”?
Do you agree that the America Assembly of Bishops should “come together as a synod, elect its presiding hierarch, proclaim the Church in North America to be an autocephalous, canonical church, and seek recognition of this autocephaly from the fifteen Autocephalous Orthodox Churches”?
Isn’t that the way out of the mess we’re in?
The way “Out of the Mess” is a LAY INITIATIVE to JUST DO IT!!!!!
I cannot understand why we are begging Hierarchs to do something when this OCL group is supposed to be LAITY!
LAITY and Monastics together in 2023 celebrating the “Liturgy of the Desert” as needed until we achieve what is needed here in America to be HOMETOWN Orthodox Christians making God-given and God-pleasing decisions for ourselves in the spirit of the Prophet Jeremiah that is repenting and turning to God. No more suitcases of funds going offshore to places where Orthodox Christianity can no longer be a legal community partner. Keep our monies here in America (no more open plates to be skimmed off of for legal expenses related to _________). Helping each other as neighbors, praying with joyful singing and lamentations in our own American communities. We will then be a witness in Spirit and Truth to the elements needed for the Grace of the Holy Spirit to Unite us all and for Peace in the World.