Source: The National Herald

CONSTANTINOPLE – Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew received a delegation from the Washington, D.C.-based Museum of the Bible on the occasion of the signing of a co-operation agreement between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the U.S. institution.
During their meeting, the Chief Curator, Dr. Jeff Kloha, and the Associate Curator of the Museum, Dr. Andy Niggemann, as well as the Professor at Tufts University, Elizabeth Prodromou, who is also member of Museum’s Consultative Board, informed the Ecumenical Patriarch about the activities and collaborations of the American institution, which receives about one million visitors a year. The Patriarchal Archivist, Archimandrite Agathangelos Siskos also attended the meeting, and has been designated by the Ecumenical Patriarch to be in charge of cooperation with the Bible Museum.
Immediately after the audience, Archimandrite Agathangelos, on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and Dr. Jeff Kloha, on behalf of the Bible Museum, signed the relevant cooperation pact, which aims to promote the history of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
In the context of this cooperation, the Ecumenical Patriarch, during his visit to the United States in May, will inaugurate the permanent exhibition for the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Museum.
It should be noted that similar agreements with the Bible Museum have been signed by the Vatican Museums and the Israel Antiquities Authority.