Source: St. Catherine’s Vision
We are delighted and grateful to God that we are blessed again to be able to offer another teleconferencing, educational diakonima in the service of cultivating Pan-Orthodox koinonia, especially during these protracted, challenging times of social distancing.
The time for registration is brief —and — enrollment will be limited!
With great joy, we will be donating 100% of tuition monies received before Pascha 2021 to a charity that combats food insecurity, homelessness, domestic violence, and human trafficking. For this cycle, we have chosen F.O.C.U.S. of St. Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, as our first tuition-donation recipient.
Divine Compassion and Christ in the Everyday
A SCV Pan-Orthodox Outreach Ministry via Teleconferencing
We are Pleased to Announce Two New Sessions:
Living the Psalms
Everyday Encounters on the Spiritual Journey
Monday evenings: 2/8/21 through 4/12/21, 7:00pm – 8:00pm EST
Living the Lord’s Prayer
Everyday Encounters on the Spiritual Journey
Tuesday evenings: 2/16/21 through 4/20/21, 7:00pm – 8:15pm EST
Inspired by positive feedback from our summer 2020 groups on the Beatitudes, beginning the week of Monday February 8th 2021, SCV will inaugurate the latest contributions to our “Everyday Encounters on the Spiritual Journey” series. We will be offering educationally and spiritually supportive, teleconferencing groups for interested adults on: Living the Psalms and Living the Lord’s Prayer.
Various aspects of Orthodox Christian spirituality, theology and/or pastoral psychology “in everyday context” will be the central focus of these groups. For more information and registration forms, please email us at Enrollment is limited. Please, assist our preparations by registering early! We are following a “first come, first served” general policy. The application deadline is Feb. 5, 2021.
Course Descriptions:
Living the Psalms:
The Psalms are the ancient prayer book of our faith. We invite you to return to this fountain of comfort, joy, beauty and wonder to drink from the ‘Living Water’ who is Christ our God. Each week the group will have the opportunity to share in a short presentation on a specific Psalm followed by small group reflection and discussion. This is a nine-week journey that will meet from 7 to 8 pm EST on Monday evenings beginning February 8th through April 12th. There will be no meeting on March 15th.
Saint Catherine’s Vision members Nikki Stournaras, Matushka Susan Arida, Anberin Pasha and Presvytera Kellie Tandilyan will all offer presentations on a rotating basis through the course of the program.
Living the Lord’s Prayer:
God cares about each one of us and desires to be in ever-growing, loving relationship with us. When his disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray, . . .” (Luke 11:1); they were hungering to cultivate this very relationship. Jesus responded to their pleas by offering “the Lord’s Prayer”.
Beginning Tuesday February 16th through April 20th, 2021, from 7:00 to 8:15 pm EST, we will meet for ten weeks of learning, sharing and discussion regarding Life-giving aspects of this prayer. Saint Catherine’s Vision members Father Anthony Tandilyan, Presvytera Maria Koulianos, Father Philip Halikias, Matushka Vera Proctor, Dr. Kyriaki FitzGerald and others will serve as team-leaders for this topic.
Please, feel free to share this announcement with friends you think may also be interested…as we ask you to pray for us!