[ditty_news_ticker id="27897"] Events - Orthodox Christian Laity

Presentation: Southfield, MI

St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral 21931 Evergreen Road, Southfield,, MI

"A Christian Ending to Our Lives" will be the subject of a talk presented by the Very Rev. Andrew Yavornitzky of St. Mark Orthodox Church, Rochester Hills. The presentation is

2019 Pan-Orthodox Lenten Services: Portland, OR

2019 Pan-Orthodox Lenten Services Pan-Orthodox Lenten services are back!!! It’s been a wonderful tradition among Orthodox parishes in Portland area to celebrate Presanctified Liturgies and other services during Lent together.

54th International Congress on Medieval Studies: Kalamazoo, MI

Medieval Institute Western Michigan University 1903 W Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI, United States

This is a Sponsored Session: Byzantine Responses to Minorities - The Case of the Physically Impaired Sickness, disfigurement, and disability were commonplace in the Byzantine world. Yet the histories of

Fifth Annual Special Needs Camp: SC

Diakonia Retreat Center 455 Quail Ridge Rd., Salem, SC

The Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos is again preparing for our annual Special Needs Camp focusing on Autism. We are accepting 10 special needs children and their families, Memorial Day Weekend.