Source: The National Herald

PHOENIX – The Archdiocesan Presbyters Council (APC) convened for its bi-annual meeting at the host city of next year’s National Clergy retreat in Phoenix, Arizona. During the 3-day meetings, they heard reports from the Archdiocesan Chancellor, the President of Hellenic College/Holy Cross, the Archdiocese Benefits Committee, the APC/NSP Benevolent Fund, the Retired Clergy Association, along with a special presentation and robust discussion from the director of Stewardship, Outreach and Evangelism, Father Jim Kordaris.
“It was a blessing to have all of our representatives present at this important meeting, as we outlined the course for the next two years,” stated the APC President Father Paul Kaplanis. They discussed various topics, including the 2023 APC National Clergy Retreat, Clergy sabbaticals, working with our retired Clergy, recommendations for future events, continuing education currently taking place at HCHC, as well as brother-to-brother outreach. Fr. Kaplanis continued, “It was a special blessing to send and receive a beautiful message from our spiritual father, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, on the occasion of his name day. His Eminence’s continued support of the APC and our brothers is truly a blessing for us all.”