Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
New York, NY — Sam and Jonathan Springer were surprised to receive a storybook in the mail for their two-year-old daughter. Inside the package was a letter explaining that this book was sent on behalf of Sam’s mother, Christy, who had been arrested and was in a jail in Colorado. Even more surprising, the book came with a link to an audio recording of Christy reading the book.
The book had been sent through OCPM’s growing program called Storybook Connections™. By training and enabling OCPM volunteers to bring children’s books and recording equipment into a nearby jail, incarcerated parents and grandparents are now able to read a book out loud and send the book with the recording to their child at home. Since the program began in March, it is already proving to be a simple but powerful way to keep families together throughout incarceration.
Of course, the Springer family’s experience with Storybook Connections™ isn’t a pure fairytale. Sam had not seen her mom since she was a little girl, because Christy had been in and out of prison. Only very recently had Christy made any effort to repair her relationship with Sam. “To say Christy’s gift to our daughter was a shock would be a huge understatement,” says Jonathan. “But on the other hand, we were amazed to know that the Orthodox Church had helped her while in jail, apart from anything we could have done.”
Jonathan and Sam played the recording for their daughter and followed along in the book. “I don’t know how much of the significance she really understands. She’s only two!” Jonathan laughed. “But Sam and I understand. Christy was touched by this ministry. She had a chance to make a real connection with her family, and she took the opportunity.” After her release, Christy invited her family over for dinner, which Jonathan admits was uncomfortable and challenging. “Nevertheless,” says Jonathan, “we’re trying to walk that line of redemption however our family needs.”
As we gather together this holiday season, we know our own families’ imperfections. But this is the season we try to make connections despite past hurts. Choosing to reach out to her granddaughter, choosing to come together around the dinner table: maybe this is the beginning of a new chapter for Christy and her family.
Learn more about Storybook Connections™ and how you can get involved here.
Hear the voices of this program in this moving video here.
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) is an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States. For Orthodox Christians who have been arrested for crimes, OCPM helps them return to the Faith, offering forgiveness and reconciliation with Christ. For both Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike, OCPM provides spiritual care, enabling prisoners to find hope and purpose in their lives. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook and Instagram @theocpm.
Contact : Luke Taylor Gilstrap,