Source: Orthodox Youth Ministries (OYM)

Washington, D.C., January 2023 — Orthodox Youth & Young Adult Ministries (OYM), created by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, has appointed Ken Liu as its first Executive Director.
For over two decades, Ken has been an attorney with the law firm of Gammon & Grange, PC serving churches, Christian ministries, and other nonprofits, including numerous Orthodox organizations. Prior to joining OYM, Ken was also Director of the Christian Legal Society’s national Christian Legal Aid program. He was a founding member of the Orthodox Christian Attorney Network and serves as a consultant to the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops’ Legal Affairs Committee. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia and Cornell Law School.
Ken and his family joined the Orthodox Church in 2009 and are members of Protection of the Holy Mother of God Orthodox Church (St. Mary) (OCA) in northern Virginia, where he taught Sunday School and has served on the parish council for over a decade. Ken and his wife are grateful that their two young adult sons have grown in the faith through the ministries of Antiochian Village Summer Camp, Orthodox Christian Fellowship, CrossRoad, and Project Mexico.
“The youth and young adult years are the most crucial years of a person’s spiritual formation. I’m excited for this opportunity to help parishes and parents lead their youth into a deeper love of God and the Orthodox Church. To me, there is no greater mission,” Ken said.
Ken joins a talented and dedicated OYM staff including Fr. Nicholas Belcher, President; Christian Gonzalez, Director of Ministry; and Sandra Glisic, Director of Operations. OYM Board Chair Eric Namee states, “The appointment of Ken Liu as Executive Director is another major step forward for OYM as it begins its essential and transformative ministry.”
OYM equips young people to encounter Christ, embody His Church, and engage the world in His name. Its vision is to equip and support clergy, parents, and ministry workers to meet the five needs of young people: 1) To know Jesus Christ, 2) To know one’s self in relation to Christ, 3) To belong to the full community of the Church, 4) To be empowered with a faith that makes a difference, and 5) To be equipped with the teachings of the Church. OYM does this by providing resources, training, and events; offering support to parishes and jurisdictions; and evaluating the effectiveness of this work on an ongoing basis.
To learn more about OYM’s ministry, visit www.orthodoxyouthministries.