- Sunday of Orthodoxy Encyclical 2025
- Video: OCL’s 20th Anniversary (1987-2007) – A Retrospective
- Video: Great Events of American Orthodoxy
- Observing Orthodoxy in America
- A Declaration for Orthodox Christian Unity in America
- The Black American Orthodox Experience: Fr. Samuel Davis on Black American Philhellenes
- Today is a Great Day – On Baptism in Prison
- Series: The Father Alex Karloutsos Story
You are so gullible! American research into the dirty deeds of the CIA and others proves Putin’s claim of nazification of Ukraine, which itself was an artificial creation of the German General Staff specifically General Ludendorff. The bodies on the street at Bucha weren’t there the day before just after the Russians left, but arrive later. It’s fraud!
Dear brothers and sisters in America.
The most terrific truth is that the Orthodox believers in Russia and Belarus are the most enthusiastic part of the society who support Putin’s regime. They really worship Putin.
I’m from Belarus.
Very true…had it come from someone who doesn’t bow in front of a Church divider (Bart the Pat of Istanbul)!
So please relieve us from the alligator’s tears! Instead of doing your real job and ask for the end of the EP for his evil doings, you are releasing statements calling others wrong. But hey, what can you do with lefties!? I leave that to God!!
Wow! Three reminders of May Day under the Soviet Union.
The three May Day commentators (1) deny statehood/self-determination to Ukraine; (2) blame the CIA, the Nazi’s, and the Ecumenical Patriarch for everything; and (3) Affirm that Orthodox believers in Russia and Belarus worship Putin!
What a trifecta!
Do they also miss those People’s Paradise parades in Red Square on May 1st?
Is it still called Red Square?
See the delusion continues, as if I didn’t go through all this before in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon etc. Am sure the CIA are innocent! What’s a Trifecta is to see the Western world as innocent of the blood of the sheep while blame Orthodox countries! Wow CIA can easily delude people, or do you think people are just blind!?
It’s more than obvious now: if you are a leftie, you support Bartholomew of Istanbul and his bosses; if you are a rightie, you support Russia. Just to make sure we are on the same page, I don’t support any War supported by the Moscow Church, but I definitely support Russia in pushing back the evil of Western World!