Browsing: George Cantonis

Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos BOSTON – A new crisis is boiling at Hellenic College – Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (HCHC) in Brookline, MA, after a post on Facebook by Archbishop Elpidophoros from Amman, Jordan promising to give full scholarships to all of that country’s priests and deacons who want to study there. The Archbishop made that announcement and commitment through his Facebook account while visiting the Holy Land and Jordan and acting as a tour guide for a group of Greek-Americans, including Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The leaders of the School, its president…

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Source: The National Herald To the Editor: When Theodore Kalmoukos asked me to answer a number of questions about the current status of Hellenic College Holy Cross, I did so in good faith and at some length. That he chose to print only a very small portion of my full response did a disservice not only to HCHC but also to your readers, who deserve better than an incomplete account serving one individual’s apparent agenda. Here is the narrative section of my response, which I hope you will share with them: “You would please note that the current enrollment numbers…

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