Browsing: George Matsoukas

Recent History of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s Decisions Related to the GOA The recent record of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s “governance” of the GOA: The forced retirement of Archbishop Iakovos (1996); Rejection of the gathering of the Orthodox Bishops in America at Ligonier, Pennsylvania (1995); Election of Archbishop Spyridon (1997); Imposition of the current Charter against the wishes of the Los Angeles Clergy-Laity Congress (2003); Imposition of a new Archbishop from Turkey who has not served in the US, without any input or participation of the clergy or laity of the Archdiocese as required by previous Charters (2019); Unilateral “suspension” (2020) followed…

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I am a third-generation member of the Orthodox Christian Church in the United States, dating back to 1906, when my paternal grandparents settled in Springfield, MA, and then Poughkeepsie, NY (1908), when my maternal grandfather settled in Pittsburgh, PA. At 28 years old, my grandmother died of the Swine Flu in that city in 1918, leaving a 3-month newborn and a 4-year-old child.   Eventually, this branch of the family settled in Garden City, L.I., N.Y. I grew up with my parents in Jersey City in 1942. My views on this Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Charter development process relate to this impressionistic…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity During OCL’s Orthodoxy in Action Call on January 29, 2023, George Matsoukas (OCL Executive Director Emeritus & Board Member) relates his experience during the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) Mega Conference held in Volos, Greece from January 12-14, 2023. Dr Teva Regule and George Nassos, who also participated in the Conference, offered their perspectives also. NOTES FROM GEORGE MATSOUKAS Basic Overview IOTA International Orthodox Theological Association Conference January 11-15, 2023 Volos, Greece Major Supporters and Co-Laborers sponsored the conference. The mission of IOTA is a community of scholars and professionals dedicated to the worldwide exchange of…

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Source: BookLocker Under One Roof: Uniting the Orthodox Church of America by George E. Matsoukas This collection of essays written between 2012-2020 addresses the status of the Orthodox Church in the U.S. and emphasizes the mission of Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL): unity, accountability, conciliar governance, education and renewal. CLICK HERE TO ORDER About the Book This is the second collection of essays, compiled from opinion columns written during the period 2012-2020, when George Matsoukas served as executive director of Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL). The first collection, “A Church in Captivity: The Greek Orthodox Church of America,” is also a collection…

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After ten years of meetings, the Assembly of Bishops still finds bishops communicating with each other difficult.  The rules governing how to reach decisions are impossible.  The Assembly needs to develop communication skills that enable each bishop to stay focused, to hear one another, and to debate and reach conclusions.  In-service programs with guides that have communication skills would be a useful exercise.  We are no closer to canonical unity of Orthodoxy in the USA and throughout the world where Orthodox Christians reside in pluralistic societies. The largest grouping in the USA is in financial difficulty caused by undertaking an…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity THANK YOU, followers, of the OCL web site.  You provide hope for the renewal of our Orthodox Christian Church in the USA based what you collectively thought were the top 15 stories of the hundreds posted on Orthodox News in 2019.  Our year-end e-blast listed the top 15 stories that were most read.  Take time and go back and review the 15 you collectively selected. The range, depth, and breadth of topics you selected, reveal that you are serious, intelligent, discriminating, discerning, spiritually alive and concerned individuals.   You are interested in Orthodox Christian history, contemporary problems…

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Source: Detroit’s Own Orthodox Radio (DOOR) Interview with OCL Executive Director George Matsoukas about his impressions of the recent International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) Conference held in Iasi, Romania Program 193 | February 3, 2019 Impressions of the Recent International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) Conference, OCL Executive Director George Matsoukas; FOCUS Detroit’s Winning of the Detroit News Cheer for Charity Competition, FOCUS Detroit Director Eric Shanburn

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Source: Voyage Chicago Magazine Today we’d like to introduce you to George Matsoukas and George Karcazes. Orthodox Christian Laity is a movement and catalyst supported and founded by laypersons who are members of the Orthodox Christian faith. In the United States, the Orthodox Christian faith is seen as a fragmented, ethnic Church made up of 14 different ethnic jurisdictions… i.e. Greek, Russian Romanian, Serbian, Antiochian, etc. In reality, they are one faith and have been in the USA for over 200 years. Missionary Russian monks, led by St Herman of Alaska, established the Orthodox Mission in Kodiak, Alaska in 1794.…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity We are entering the month of May, and we are about 9 to 12 weeks away from the National Assemblies of three different Orthodox Christian Groups in the USA.  The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese (GOA) will hold its 44th Clergy-Laity Congress in Boston on July 1-5.  The 19th All- American Council of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) will take place in St. Louis on July 23-27.  The 93rd Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) will take place in   conjunction with the All-American Council.   If in fact, as Jesus Christ said, “all things are possible to…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  (Hebrews 13:8) Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) was organized 30 years ago in the Northbrook, Illinois home of Jim and Mary Koulogeorge.  Orthodox Christians from different parts of the USA gathered, because they had concerns about accountability and oversight in matters of Church governance based on events occurring in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese during the 1980’s.   Together, they established an independent, educational ministry, dedicated to promoting renewal in the Orthodox Christian Church.   By 1993, the blueprint for such a renewal was published in book form as Project…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity May the memory of Metropolitan Iakovos, who passed away, be blessed and eternal.  He served the Church in the United States for many decades and was head of the mid-western Metropolis for 38 years.  This interim period is a time to reflect upon his legacy and to look forward to the direction of Orthodoxy in the United States in this post-Conciliar Age. His passing affords the Church the opportunity to become unified by putting our theology into practice, “moving beyond words to actions…moving beyond what is mine and yours to what is ours”, as stated by…

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