Polycarp Books “I believed, and so I spoke.” (2 Cor. 4:13) Recently, we received and included into the Heritage Center collection the book, “The Servant of All – Archbishop Nathaniel Popp: Thirty Years of Leadership, 1980-2010,” edited by Ian G. Pac-Urar, Polycarp Books, 2011, 388 pages. The book includes an “Editor’s Note” and a “Foreword” by the Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of all America, Jonah, and five Appendices. The book includes articles, letters and addresses selected from the writings of Archbishop Nathaniel of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (“Vatra”). As it is said in the Editor’s Note: “The…
- Constantine, New Metropolitan of Denver, Talks to TNH on the Start of His Ministry
- A Note on the Recomposition of the Holy Synod of the Phanar and How it Functions
- Sunday of Orthodoxy Encyclical 2025
- Delegation of the Orthodox Church in America Completes International Visits
- Video: OCL’s 20th Anniversary (1987-2007) – A Retrospective
- Video: Great Events of American Orthodoxy
- Observing Orthodoxy in America
- A Declaration for Orthodox Christian Unity in America