Source: US Religion Census

The report “The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA) from 2010 to 2020: Changes in Parishes, Membership and Worship Attendance” is now available. The 2020 US Religion Census ( obtained the data directly from GOA parishes. Overall, 98% of the GOA parishes participated. The report can be downloaded here:
The 2020 Census has revealed that from 2010-2020 the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese experienced a significant (-22%) membership decline. But these membership changes were different in different Metropolises: some Metropolises had much larger losses of parishioners than others. GOA Metropolises also vary greatly in the strength of the church commitment of their members – the percentage of parishioners who attend church regularly. This report offers to readers:
1. National overview of GOA parishes, membership, and worship attendance
2. Detailed data on parishes, members and worship attendance for individual Metropolises
3. Examination of 2010-2020 changes in membership and parishes for individual Metropolises
4. Eight county-level geographic maps reflecting distribution of the GOA parishes and members through the territory of the USA
The next reports to be issued will discuss the 2010-2020 membership and worship attendance changes in the parishes of the Orthodox Church in America and the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese.
We encourage you to share this report via social media with your parish communities, as well as with Orthodox friends and relatives. Questions and inquires are welcome: send them to orthodoxdata@usreligioncensus.
Again, here is the link to the report:
Alexei Krindatch, National Coordinator
Second Census of Orthodox Christian Churches
2020 US Religion Census (
Office: 510-647-9427 Cell: 773-551-7226