Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America
Nearly 300 clergy and laity attended a pan-Orthodox forum on Sunday, October 27 to learn about the Assembly of Bishops, pose questions, and comment on the progress of Orthodox unity in America. Metropolitan Savas of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Bishop Peter of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia served as panelists, together with Protodeacon Peter Danilchick, member of the Assembly’s Secretariat.
The event, which was held at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in suburban Cleveland, Ohio, began with Vespers and a presentation by Protodeacon Danilchick, who provided an overview of the Assembly and its achievements to date. He also shared highlights from the fourth annual Assembly meeting, including a look at the various models of unity that were discussed in Chicago this past September. Following the presentation, clergy and laity had an opportunity to ask questions in a town-hall style forum. Protodeacon Danilchick’s presentation can be viewed here and the Q&A can be viewed here.