Source: OCP Media Network
November 2013
The working session of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church was held in the Synodal Hall of the Patriarchal Residence, under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel during the last week of October 2013.
We mention some of the decisions adopted:
- Approval of the text of the Pastoral letter of the Holy Synod at the end of the Solemn Year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen and of “Dumitru Staniloae” Commemorative Year, which will be read in all the churches and monasteries of the Romanian Patriarchate on the first Sunday of the Advent of the Nativity of the Lord (17 November 2013);
- Approval of the preparatory stages for holding the year 2014 as Solemn Eucharistic Year (of the Holy Confession and Holy Communion) and as Commemorative Year of the Brancoveans Saints Martyrs in the Romanian Patriarchate;
- Proclamation of the year 2015 as Solemn year of the parish and monastery mission today in the Romanian Patriarchate;
- Approval of the moral-religious programmes entitled “The Edifying Word” and the “Praise the Lord!” addressed to the persons imprisoned;
- Approval of the election calendar for the deliberative and executive bodies of the Romanian Orthodox Church at parochial, eparchial and central level for four years time (2014 – 2018);
- Estimation of the theological pre-university, seminarian and high school education.