Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
[October 15, 2015]NEW YORK – The Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America convened for its regular fall meeting at the Synodal Chamber of the Archdiocesan headquarters in New York on October 13th and 14th, 2015. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America presided at the meeting with the participation of all the Members of the Synod.
The Synod deliberated extensively on many matters including the following:
1) The Holy Synod discussed the need to establish at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese a Department of translations into English of liturgical texts so that the task of the Synodal Committee on this matter maybe expedited. This proposal will be studied and the necessary decisions will be made.
2) The Holy Synod dealt with subjects of administrative nature related to the parishes and holy monasteries of the Holy Archdiocese, as well as the spiritual work that is accomplished by them.
3) The Holy Synod dealt also with matters that concern the Orthodox Christian family and especially the clergy family, the influences of the modern society upon them and ways to strengthen them.
4) The Holy Synod discussed the subject of the education of candidates to the priesthood, the Special Educational Program for Deacons, as well as the need of religious education of ministry people of the parishes, for example Sunday School Teachers, Youth Advisors, Parish Councils etc. The Holy Synod studies, oversees and guides the entire effort with the collaboration and active involvement of the faculty of the Greek Orthodox Theological School of Holy Cross.
5) The Holy Synod discussed also matters of disciplinary nature and specifically among others the case of Fr. George Passias and decided unanimously to recommend his defrockment to the appropriate authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
6) The Holy Synod dealt with matters related to the convening of the Holy and Great Synod, which will convene in Constantinople in 2016, as well as with matters related to the Assembly of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America, and unanimously agreed to continue the collaboration with the other Orthodox Presences (jurisdictions).
7) In conclusion the Synod, learned with great joy that the work of rebuilding St. Nicholas Church and National Shrine has commenced and is expected to be completed in 18-24 months.
The two – day meeting of the Holy Synod concluded at noon on Wednesday 14th October 15, 2015 and the Members of the Synod immediately afterwards went to the hotel Marriott Marquis for their participation in the work of the Archdiocesan Council.