Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

NEW YORK – His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America has appointed the Rev. Protopresbyter Alexander Karloutsos to be the Vicar General of the Holy Archdiocese of America. The office of Vicar General is an extraordinary office, one which is used only at the discretion of the Archbishop. The last Vicar General of the Archdiocese served under the late and blessed Archbishop Iakovos.
Speaking of the appointment, His Eminence said:
“Father Alex, as he is known to all, has served our Holy Archdiocese and Ecumenical Patriarchate with distinction for over forty years. His service as Vicar General recognizes his unique abilities and role to advance the mission of the Church. I look forward to his continuing fruitful ministry to our Church.”
I am extremely troubled to see Bill Drossos pictured with AB Elpi. I also noticed that Bill was next to Elpi at his enthronement/coronation. My hope and prayer is that Elpi is not considering Bill for any position in the Archdiocese or as a bishop. Unless Bill has had a meaningful conversion, a Pauline experience, he is not fit to serve. We must stand up and say NO, as we should have with Evangelos. I am also deeply concerned in Elpi’s judgement if he is considering Bill for a position.
So why is the position now necessary? How much is the salary? We all have a right to know, as it is our money funding this position. This is similar to the situation in Chicago where a new Executive Director, PR firm, and others have been hired. I thought the GOA was strapped for money? Very curious that it comes right after Elpi is enthroned, too. Business as usual in the GOA.
Vicar General?
Isn’t that a title used in the Roman Catholic or Episcopalian Churches?
Why use an English term when “Synkellus”, or “Protosynkellus”, or maybe even “Megasprotosynkellus” would be more easily understood by the Omogenia?
Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic – good luck!
Let’s be realistic, friends! Whether we like or not, that’s the way things are right now. That does not mean we cannot have serious discussions with one: sign your name after your comments, pseudonyms are shameful for people really concerned with our Church!
Under the present circumstances, the appointment of Fr. Alex Karloutsos was very good!