Browsing: Orthodox News

Introductory lecture in “Consultation of Orthodox Youth Workers”, Bossey, Switzerland, 27/03-02/04, 1999 By Manos Koumbarelis “It is no small thing for 28 Orthodox youth from nine different countries to gather together abroad. Indeed, this happened in Geneva, from 8 to 13 January [1949]. Five days, immersed in an indescribable atmosphere of the One Church of Christ. All Orthodox. Every morning a liturgy in Arabic, Greek, and Russian. In the evening, compline. A continuous state of prayer and dedication, creating a sacred environment within which many difficult discussions were taking place in a wonderful way. What are we, the Orthodox, going…

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Source: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Kankakee IL On Friday evening, March 11, at 7:30, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Kankakee will continue its new program, “Orthodox Voices: A Lenten Dialogue Series,” held on the next five consecutive Fridays at Annunciation. These five Friday offerings, through April 8, will be composed of talks from and discussions with five Orthodox professionals and academics, sharing their insight on how their Orthodox faith informs the work they do. On Friday, March 4, the parish kicked-off its Lenten Series with a joyous Pre-Lenten Concert, setting the scene for these five nights of dialogue. The schedule of lectures, to begin March 11, was…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry “God is the life of all free beings. He is the salvation of all, of believers and unbelievers, of the just and the unjust, of the pious and the impious, of those freed from the passions or caught up in them, of monks or those living in the world, of the educated or the illiterate, of the healthy or the sick, of the young or the very old.” -St. John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Step 1 To St. John Climacus’ quote above we might include those in prison and those outside of prison. We are all…

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Source: International Orthodox Christian Charities Agency Sets $1 Million Fundraising Goal for Immediate and Long-Term Support Baltimore, Md. (February 28, 2022) – The humanitarian and development agency International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is responding to needs created by the conflict in Ukraine. Given the enormity of the crisis, IOCC has launched a campaign to raise at least $1 million dollars in private donations to support this work. In response to the crisis in Ukraine, IOCC is working with partners in country and across the region to help address immediate needs, while looking ahead and planning for longer-term response. Initial efforts…

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Source: by Aurelian Iftimiu The Archdiocese of Suceava and Radauti announced on Friday night the measures taken to support refugees from Ukraine. The archdiocese’s photographer, Irina Ursachi, accompanied priests and volunteers from the Archdiocesan Administration and captured emotional pictures. An intervention committee for the situation of refugees was set up in the archdiocese, consisting of clergy of the Diocesan Centre, deans, exarchs and volunteer coordinators. The archdiocesan intervention committee is coordinated by Archim. Paraschiv Dabija, administrative vicar. Photo: Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuți The archdiocese offers, from its own stocks, water, non-perishable food, household items and personal hygiene products, as…

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Commemorated February 26 St. Photini’s Life The New Testament describes the familiar account of the “woman at the well” (John 4:5-42), who was a Samaritan. Up to that point she had led a sinful life, one which resulted in a rebuke from Jesus Christ. However, she responded to Christ’s stern admonition with genuine repentance, was forgiven her sinful ways, and became a convert to the Christian Faith – taking the name ‘Photini’ at Baptism, which literally means “the enlightened one”. A significant figure in the Johannine community, the Samaritan Woman, like many other women, contributed to the spread of Christianity.…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America The Faculty of the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology will offer spiritual guidance and instruction in various forms throughout the entire Paschal period, from the beginning of Lent until the feast of Pentecost.  The first set of offerings will be a Lenten series entitled “My Soul, My Soul, Rise Up:” Lenten Reflections from Holy Cross.  These brief video presentations will begin on Clean Monday and will continue every Monday until Holy Week.  The first session, entitled “Grant Me to See:” Reflections on the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephrem, will be delivered on March 7th by Fr. George Parsenios, Dean of Holy Cross.  All lectures will be made available through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and…

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Source: The Romanian Patriarchate’s Filantropia Federation expressed its solidarity with the Ukrainian people and readiness to support Ukrainian refugees. by Aurelian Iftimiu In these times of crisis, Filantropia Federation is trying to lend a helping hand to those affected by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Our prayers and solidarity can soothe the painful times that war refugees go through. So let us show kindness and empathy together so that we can shelter, feed and clothe the people who need our support. Filantropia Federation, together with all 25 member organizations, expresses its readiness to help through social services in the…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center Thursday, February 17, 2022 6:30pm (Eastern) / 5:30pm (Central) Hybrid event: In-person or live stream via Zoom University of Chicago (Swift Hall) In cooperation with the Lumen Christi Institute, with co-sponsorship by the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion and the Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies This panel will examine the recent social document For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church, published with the approval of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 2020. The fruit of critical reflection by Orthodox Christian lay scholars and Church leaders, For the Life…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy by Bradley Nassif The late Fr. John Meyendorff, whose name graces the Orthodox Christian Studies Center, emphasized the importance of dialogue with Protestant Evangelicals. He wrote, “…contacts with ‘Evangelicals’ are minimal, the primary reason being mutual ignorance and suspicion…. Such obstacles can and should be overcome within American society… If mutual ignorance still persists, it is due to a continuous lack of dialogue.”[1] The Weslyan scholar, William Abraham, likewise observed: “Sorting out the relationship between Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism can be a spiritual and intellectual nightmare. Often it looks like both sides have crashed at the red light and neither…

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Source: Suprasl 2022 “Go and bear fruit” John 15:16 Supraśl 2022 is a one week gathering of Orthodox youth from around the world coming together to experience the unity and universality of our Holy Orthodox Faith, to be inspired by engaging leaders, stimulating discussion, and tangible ways to continue bearing fruit together, and throughout the world. “What are we, the Orthodox, going to do to avoid our sickness, namely, our indifference to one another? “In 1949, the Greek theologian Nikos Nissiotis asked this question as Orthodox faithful around the world experienced life after World War II. This question remains relevant…

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Source: Ancient Faith Ministries On Sunday evening, January 30, Dn. Michael Hyatt and Ann Bezzerides continued their series on Common Communication Mistakes. In this episode, they deal with confusion about outcomes. This problem arises when there’s no clear system for capturing and disseminating information, especially after meetings. This results in dropped balls, frustration, and a lack of progress. However, the solution is simpler than you may think. Dn. Michael shares a simple five-part communication process that ensures no one is confused about what is expected of them. Watch video here.

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