Source: International Society for Orthodox Church Music [ISOCM]
The Fifth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music, “Church Music and Icons: Windows to Heaven,” will be held at the University of Eastern Finland, in Joensuu, Finland, on 3 – 9 June 2013.
The conference will take place at the School of Theology (Agora Building), Philosophical Faculty, University of Eastern Finland (Yliopistokatu 4, 80101 Joensuu). The conference programme will include a panel discussions, interdisciplinary contributions relating to iconography and hymnography, and an excursion to local Orthodox and Finnish locales.
It is expected that participants from around the world will gather to present papers and discuss topics relating to the Conference theme. Possible topics include: Church music as icon, the aesthetic and historical parallels between church music and icons, icons in hymnography, hymnography in icons. Interdisciplinary contributions (art history, iconography and hymnology) are also encouraged and welcome.
Submitting a paper
ISOCM invites proposals (title of the paper and a summary not exceeding 300 words) for individual presentations, group presentations, and panel discussions / round table forums. Proposals should be sent by 1 March 2013 to the Society either by mail or via our on-line form. All papers will be published as the proceedings of the conference. It is expected that all participants will submit their papers with any necessary corrections and alterations by a deadline to be announced at the conference!
A) Individual presentations
Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes (including illustrations, audio-visual examples), plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Individual presentations will be grouped by the Organizing Committee into sessions of 1½ hours.
B) Pair / group presentations
Individual presentations of 2-3 papers may be combined into a group presentation. Each presenter will be allotted 20+10 minutes (see Individual presentations above). The proposal for a group presentation should include summaries of each individual paper, which should be sent together. A group presentation of three papers should not exceed 1½ hours in duration.
C) Panel discussion / Round tables
A panel discussion or round-table presentation is a session that is entirely planned, coordinated and prepared by a group of people, one of whom is the responsible coordinator. The aim is to generate discussion between members of the round table who present questions, issues, and/or material for about 5 minutes on a chosen theme, followed by a discussion. The proposal submitted to the organizers must explain the overall purpose, the role of individual participants (max. 5 presenters) and indicate the commitment of all participants to attend the conference. The total length of a round-table presentation should not exceed 1½ hours.
The language of the conference will be English.
Translation into English will be provided for papers presented in Russian or Greek. Papers not written in English (full text and a summary of max. 300 words) should be delivered to the organizers by 1 March 2013 for translation.
Conference venue and programme
The conference will take place at the School of Theology (Agora Building), Philosophical Faculty, University of Eastern Finland (Yliopistokatu 4, 80101 Joensuu). Accommodation will be provided within walking distance from the venue. Free transport from the Joensuu airport or railway station to the hotel will be provided on request.
The programme consists of five days (Monday, June 3 – Friday, June 7, 2013) of conference sessions, followed by an excursion to the monasteries of Valamo and Lintula in Heinävesi on Saturday, June 8, 2013. The conference concludes with Divine Liturgy on Sunday, June 9, 2013 at the local parish in Joensuu.
On-line Registration
All participants (whether submitting a paper or not) are requested to sign up by 1 March 2013. By that date, payment of the participation fee must also be made.
On-line registration is available here.
It is also possible to sign up by e-mail or by letter using any of the following addresses:
Maria Takala-Roszczenko,
Rev. Ivan Moody,
ISOCM / Petri Nykänen, School of Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Eastern Finland, P.O.Box 101, 80101 Joensuu, Finland (Europe)
When registering, please indicate your full contact details, your arrival and departure dates, any special requests concerning your stay, and the category of participation fee (see below).
Participation Fee
The participation fee for the Conference falls into different categories. If you are interested in becoming a registered member of the ISOCM, see membership details or contact the organizers!
A) Full package: includes the programme, meals, accommodation, receptions, excursion
Registered members of the ISOCM – 250 €
Non-members of the ISOCM – 350 €
B) Partial package: includes the programme, receptions, excursion, but no accommodation or meals
Registered members of the ISOCM – 75 €
Non-members of the ISOCM – 100 €
Discounts will be available for low budget/student participants. Further information is available from the organizers.
Contact / local organizing committee
Maria Takala-Roszczenko (
Rev. Ivan Moody (
Petri Nykänen (
The web page of the School of Theology at the University of Eastern Finland is available at: