Source: Orthodox Christian Laity
Saturday of Lazarus
The Saturday of Lazarus and Palm Sunday precede and foreshadow the events of Holy Week. In addition to showing Christ’s divinity, the feast of the Resurrection of Lazarus is a prophecy of the resurrection of Christ and all the dead for all time. The events of Holy Week are overwhelming, but in the end, the light of Christ prevails. There is hope!
It is in this Season of Hope that I reflect upon my experience of witnessing the Enthronement of the Metropolitan of Chicago, Nathanael, on March 24, 2018. I am hopeful, because of the words I heard him say. His ministry is to help people become Christ-centered. He will lead by example and serve the faithful in the Metropolis and wishes not to be served. He is committed to protect our youth who “…want to be safe. They don’t want people who will harm them to have the means to do that. And it’s our job to help them achieve that goal, and I’m prepared to become the arms of the young people to help them feel safe in their schools, in the malls and even in churches.”
The Metropolitan is committed to lead like the disciples. “We have to go outside of our comfort zone, outside of the Greek community that knows about the Orthodox Church, that knows about Christ. …We need to go into all neighborhoods.”
He hopes that his ministry will “cultivate greater unity and trust among us. … we will emphasize fundamental Christian principles of governance and administration, including accountability and transparency.”
“I will do all that I can to open those doors that were once shut and be inclusive of everyone in the work of the Church – especially those who were once ignored or marginalized. I beseech each of you to get involved, so that together, we can serve as God’s left and right hands, thus sharing His hope and love with the world.”
He is truly worthy. One never knows what ripple effects these words, actions and example will have on the rest of us in different Metropolises and Jurisdictions.
George Matsoukas, Executive Director
We pray he will be careful in selecting people who honestly care for the Orthodox people of the Midwest when he chooses his staff of this sacred Metropolis. It is well known that scandals abound and transparency is an unknown quality in Chicago.
Let’s hope new Metropolitan does an honest job overseeing its clergy & churches are Holy — not secular corporate club houses.
Let’s hope he defends Jesus name in public forums unlike Archbishop Demetrios at Trump’s Presidential Inauguration when he did Not mention our Lords name — how PC of him — but Evangelical Paula White did! What’s going down with our Orthodox clergymen???