NEW YORK – National Philoptochos President Aphrodite Skeadas on January 17, 2012 issued an immediate appeal to all Philoptochos Presidents, members nationwide and their respective communities to support a drive for the welfare of the people of Greece.
President Skeadas stated, “We enter 2012 mindful of the dire economic circumstances and supreme hardships faced by our brothers and sisters in economically ravaged Greece, our ancestral homeland. We cannot and will not turn our backs to the needs of our people.”
Daily news reports document widespread poverty in Greece where many parents can no longer afford to provide adequate food and warm winter clothing for their children while other parents are forced to abandon their children in orphanages. People struggle to exist with less income as unemployment continues to rise. For all too many, hope disintegrates into depression. These tragedies affect young and old, families, and most importantly, the children who have had their dreams and futures taken away.
National Philoptochos will provide a measured and deliberate response that addresses concrete social needs to alleviate hunger and homelessness, to strengthen family and children’s services and to ensure that families remain united. National Philoptochos Social Worker Paulette Geanacopoulos leads a team to identify appropriate nonprofit, non-governmental and religious organizations with which Philoptochos can partner to ensure maximum impact. Philoptochos will make every effort to ensure transparency and accountability regarding utilization of its contributions.
Philoptochos Sisters are urged to unite in love to help those in need. Immediate aid is imperative and Chapters are asked to contribute generously to this unique appeal for the welfare of our fellow Greek Orthodox Hellenes. With the support of all members, National Philoptochos will offer life-changing and life-saving relief to help our brothers and sisters rebuild their lives at this critical time.
Donations marked ‘Welfare of the People of Greece” may be sent to:
National Philoptochos, 7 West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019.
To make online donations go to www.philoptochos.org
For more information: Christine Karavites, National Public Relations, 508.982.4276