Source: Orthodox Christian School Association
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,
As a member of the board of directors for the Orthodox Christian School Association (OCSA) I am writing today to solicit your help in funding our growth and ability to serve the Orthodox Christian School in North America.
The board has recently laid out goals for the new fiscal year and beyond. Among other things, the OCSA will:
- Serve as a one stop information center for parishes wishing to start an Orthodox school
- Offer marketing, fund-raising, accreditation, and enrollment management services to existing schools
- Publish curriculum guidelines to build the academic rigor for Orthodox schools
- Host a nationwide symposium on Educational Theory during the summer of 2015
- Provide, within five years, a virtual “teacher’s college” for ongoing professional development.
We believe that a network of day schools that faithfully represents the teachings of the Church will be a major pillar of a vibrant and influential American Orthodox Church. If encouraging the establishment and growth of a nationwide network of Orthodox Christian schools is important to you, please consider making a donation today to support our work. Please give from your heart, any amount is appreciated.
In the words of St. John of Kronstadt, “There is nothing impossible unto those who believe; lively and unshaken faith can accomplish great miracles in the twinkling of an eye.”
If we raise $30,000 by December 31, 2013, the Virginia H. Farah Foundation has promised to add a grant of $10,000 to the $20,000 they have given us already this year. You can mail a check to our treasurer, Robert Bearer at 525 N. Main, Suite 800, Tulsa, OK 74133 or visit our website and pay by credit card at www.orthodox
In Christ,
Ro Kallail

The OCSA was formed in March 2009, as a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Texas, and expects to have its 501 (C) (3) tax-exempt status reinstated in the near future.
The mission of the OCSA is to bring the light of Christ to America through schooling that unites intellectual, spiritual and cultural growth as inseparable needs for the human person.
We seek to be a catalyst for the growth of Orthodox Christian primary and secondary schools, a central resource for their needs, as well as a means of their unified efforts to cultivate a noble and dignified society as understood by the Orthodox Christian faith.
A major pillar of a vibrant and influential American Orthodox Church will be a network of day schools that represent faithfully the teachings of the Church, operate according to best practices, and present a clear alternative to other school options that are available to a broad spectrum of students.
We wish to see multiple Orthodox schools in every major city of this nation that will support the life of Orthodox Christians, bring the faith to new generations, and engage our culture in all its most profound assumptions.
Orthodox schools working together from their own theological roots and according to best practices will assume a prominent position in the field of education as the best schools academically and culturally for students of any background.